The Vice-President Academic & Provost has indicated that any new hires, including adjuncts, should have their degrees verified. Human Resources will be checking degrees for any staff member that has a degree listed as a condition of their employment. However, each Faculty is responsible for checking their new faculty appointments.
In the Faculty of Environment, you are requested to check the last degree for any of your final candidates, before they are brought in for an interview. Either the unit head or the Administrative Manager should contact the University whence the degree was issued and ensure that it was, in fact, granted.
Each faculty appointment form has a box to be checked to indicate that the last degree has been verified.
To Verify: For the U.S.A. and Canada, a phone call is acceptable. Date and person talked to has to be recorded in some manner. For all other countries, or where a phone call is not possible, please obtain a copy of the degree, or a copy of communication from the degree granting institution that the degree requirements have been met.
Last updated on October 19, 2021