Description and uses
The band saw is a very versatile cutting device; it can make both straight and curved cuts. Blades come in various widths, allowing the saw to cut fairly small arcs. The size of the work piece is limited by the distance between the body of the saw and the saw blade.
Adjust upper guide assembly so it is ¼” - 1/2” above the work. Allow the saw to reach full speed before pushing material through. Keep hands at least 2'' away from the blade when the saw is running. Make turns carefully and do not try to cut radii so small that the blade gets twisted. Stop the machine before backing out of a long curved cut. The saw comes with an adjustable fence and a mitre gage. These features make it especially useful for making accurate cuts on small pieces that would be too unmanageable and dangerous to cut on saws with rigid circular blades.
Further considerations
- If you hear a clicking noise, turn off the machine at once. This indicates a crack in the blade.
- Verify location of on off switch and/or emergency power disconnect.
- Check to ensure the fence is set properly and tight if required.
- Ensure that the table is clear of materials, tools, and debris.
Bandsaw hazards
The saw blade is easy to twist and crack. This machine requires you to listen constantly.
Shut it down if its behavior deviates.
Foreign objects in the wood itself pose a threat, such as nails, screws, stones, wire etc. Not only can they induce potential injury, but they do damage to the machine surface, fence, and blade.