Associate Dean, Graduate Studies and Research

Terms of Reference

  • The Associate Dean is appointed by the Dean of the Faculty, in consultation with the Chairs/Directors, Dean of Graduate Studies and the Vice President for Research.
  • The duration of the appointment may be two or three years at the discretion of the Faculty Dean, with opportunity for re-appointment in accord with the above terms.
  • The Associate Dean is accountable to the Dean of the Faculty and, in addition, for graduate activities, to the Dean of Graduate Studies.
  • The Associate Dean is the chair of the Faculty Graduate Studies Committee.

Dual Portfolio and Role

Typical research responsibilities include representing the Faculty on the Senate Research Council and identification of candidates for SSHRC and NSERC committees. The Associate Dean also helps to facilitate opportunities for dialogue between successful research grant/contract applicants and junior faculty to provide them with assistance with research applications.

The Associate Dean is expected to provide leadership and ensure that the responsibilities for graduate studies in the Faculty are properly discharged. Further, the Associate Dean should communicate relevant items from the Graduate Operations Committee to the Graduate Studies Committee, and work to harmonize the graduate interests within the various Departments/Schools of the Faculty. From time to time, the Associate Dean may be called to serve on other University-wide committees where there are overlapping interests. It is essential that the Associate Dean maintains a strong link with the Graduate StudiesOffice. The Associate Dean represents the Faculty, even though there will be occasions (e.g., Senate Graduate Council) when the perspective should embrace the entire University.


The tasks of the Associate Dean may include:

  1. Graduate administration:
    Routine daily administration - Student course and program changes; approval of mark revision forms, extension, petitions; appointment of Examining Boards for Ph.D. Dissertations; review convocation lists; allocate funding for graduate student travel; assess admission files; allocate scholarships and international graduate student differential fee waivers; coordinate calendar submission; approve Approved Doctoral Dissertation Supervisors (ADDS); recommend candidates for certain scholarships and awards; assist with OCGS appraisals and new program development; deal with student grievances, petitions and appeal cases (Policy 70) and student academic discipline (Policy 71).
  2. Member of the following committees:
    Environment Graduate Studies Committee, Graduate Operations Committee, Senate Graduate Council, Senate Research Council, ad hoc committees outside the Faculty, Graduate Student Support Advisory Committee, Graduate Student Relations Committee, and Environment Annual Faculty Review Committee.
  3. Research activities:
    Serve on NSERC/SSHRC ranking committee.
  4. Supervise:
    • Administrative Assistant to the Associate Dean (shared with Associate Dean, Undergraduate Studies)
    • Administrative Director, Research and International Development
  5. Faculty administration:
    Serve as Acting Dean on occasion in the Dean’s absence, as well as serve on Environment Executive Committee and Environment Faculty Council.

Last updated in January 1996