Computing within the Faculty of Environment

All users of Environment Computing services are required to abide by computing policies, guidelines and regulations in effect at the University of Waterloo and in the Faculty of Environment. Especially, Guidelines for Managing Student Information for Faculties, Academic Departments and Schools.

1. Introduction

  • 1.1 The Executive Committee of the Faculty is advised on questions relating to computing through the Director, Mapping Analysis and Design (MAD).

2. Mapping Analysis and Design (MAD)

  • 2.1 MAD is the primary provider in the Faculty of Environment of computing services to students, staff and regular faculty members in Environment.
  • 2.2 In providing computer services, MAD's priorities will be to plan and design in consultation with ECAC, and implement, manage and maintain equipment and software required: firstly for teaching in Environment; secondly, for administration in Environment; thirdly, for carrying out research by Environment faculty members and students.
  • 2.3 MAD will provide students, staff and regular faculty members of Environment with access to the UWaterloo computing network, e-mail, general productivity software.
  • 2.4 MAD will provide a computing service desk for Environment computer users.
  • 2.5 MAD will endeavour to provide Environment with four months notice of significant changes to the Environment Computing infrastructure and services.

3. MAD Staff

  • 3.1 MAD staff will be trained to understand, manage and maintain software/hardware required for teaching, administration and research within Environment.

4. Teaching

  • 4.1 Teaching equipment and software will be financed from Environment operating funds.
  • 4.2 Given a list of approved software, faculty members will inform MAD at least one month in advance of an upcoming academic term of their specific computing teaching needs based on the currently installed computing system.

5. Administration

  • 5.1 Computing equipment needed for administrative purposes will be financed by the administrative unit. Software for administrative purposes will be financed from Environment operating funds.
  • 5.2 MAD will plan, implement, manage and maintain equipment and software needed for administrative purposes in Environment.

6. Research

  • 6.1 Faculty members who require MAD services for their research are required, wherever possible, in submitting applications for research grants and contracts to add a line item in the budget of 2% of the grant/contract total amount for Environment Computing support. If the application is successful, the researcher will transfer the 2% to a Dean's Office account which will be used to maintain Environment Computing services.
  • 6.2 Faculty members and students carrying out research which requires computer facilities beyond those listed in section 2.3 will have to fund them either personally or through a professional allowance or through grants/contracts that allow a computing needs component.

7. Visiting Academics/Scholars

  • 7.1 Visiting academics/scholars will have access to the computing services listed in 2.3 subsequent to a formal introduction by the Environment host or sponsor.

Last updated in 2010