
Dr. Bird presents the importance of teaching the history of Indigenous representation in games and will break down various examples from Custer’s Revenge to the Mortal Kombat and Red Dead Redemption series to demonstrate these types of gamic language.

This interdisciplinary panel will outline roles and responsibilities as well as best practices for graduate student supervision to frame a discussion of how to foster and maintain just relationships among researchers, with a focus on the principles and practices animating non-extractive student-supervisor relationships.

A discussion of the promise and peril of POC video game character voice acting, focusing primarily on the connections of Black male anger and Black fatherhood in God of War through the voice work of TC Carson and Christopher Judge, contextualized against the audio Brownface of two voice POC women characters in Uncharted: Legacy of Thieves.

Our concert will feature ACE, The AcaBellas, The Musical InterDudes, The Unaccompanied Minors, The Water Boys, In Full Colour and other groups performing stunning sets with only the sounds of their voices. Invite your family and friends for a night of live music and wonderful entertainment!

The graduating class of Knowledge Integration students will be presenting flash-talks followed by poster displays of their senior honours projects. Forming the capstone of their undergraduate career, these projects represent an exciting synthesis of the diverse disciplines the students have explored through this one-of-a-kind interdisciplinary program.