Knowledge Integration symposium

Friday, March 24, 2023 2:30 pm - 4:00 pm EDT (GMT -04:00)

KI senior honours projects: an exciting synthesis of the diverse disciplines the students have explored in this interdisciplinary program.

The graduating class of Knowledge Integration students will be presenting flash-talks followed by poster displays of their senior honours projects. Forming the capstone of their undergraduate career, these projects represent an exciting synthesis of the diverse disciplines the students have explored through this one-of-a-kind interdisciplinary program.

Since its inception in 2008, Knowledge Integration has provided a stimulating academic home for undergraduate students looking to maintain a broad set of interests while gaining rigorous interdisciplinary training. Acknowledging that the complex problems facing the world today don't fit neatly into traditional academic disciplines, KI equips students to be designers, problem-solvers, and skillful collaborators.

We invite you to attend this symposium to learn more about the student projects and get to know the Knowledge Integration class of 2023.