Monday, June 3, 2024
- Iris Xing won a Graduate Scholarship from SSHRC to fund her Master’s degree
- Midori Nishioka defended her PhD in Fall of 2022 and accepted a full-time position as a senior behavioural scientist at Social Machines
- Frank Mu (PhD 2020) accepted a new position as Manager of People Analytics at CI Financial
- Ramona was named a Fellow of the Society for I/O Psychology of the American Psychological Association for her scholarly work and other contributions to the profession
- Harshadaa Deshpande completed her MASc in August 2023
- Muriel Tang completed her MASc in August 2022, and accepted a full-time position as Consultant, People & Change at KPMG
- Frank Mu defended his PhD in October 2020. He accepted a full-time research position in industry, as Assessment Research Manager at CodeSignal
- Lauren Holt completed her MASc in Fall 2020 and accepted a full-time position as Consultant, People & Change, in Management Consulting at KPMG