Postdoctoral fellows

Leanne Gosse (2012-2014)
Leanne Gosse accepted a position as assistant professor in the School of Health and Life Sciences at Conestoga College.

Agnes Zdaniuk (2007-2008)
PhD students

Midori Nishioka (2022)
Midori Nishioka took up a post-doctoral research position at WLU for a year and subsequently was hired as senior behavioral scientist at Social Machines.
Dissertation title: When co-workers share their unfair experiences, do we believe them? Perceptions of workplace fairness are negatively related to perceived claim credibility

Tatiana Marques (2021)
Tatiana Marques completed her PhD at ISCTE-Lisbon University and spent time in the Fairness at Work lab investigating age difference in justice perceptions. She accepted a position as adjunct Assistant Professor at Católica-Lisbon.

Frank Mu (2020)
Frank Mu accepted a research position in industry, as Assessment Research Manager at CodeSignal.
Dissertation title: Gender stereotypes and the relational consequences of interpersonal justice violations

Justin Brienza (2017)
Justin Brienza accepted a position as assistant professor in the Business School at the University of Queensland.
Dissertation title: Exploring the utility of state-level wise reasoning: New assessment and facilitation methods

Sana Rizvi (2015)
Sana Rizvi accepted a position as assistant professor in the Business School at the University of New Brunswick.
Dissertation title: The role of psychological distance in forgiveness

Katrina Goreham (2009)
Katrina (Goreham) Hitchman accepted a position as Director of Program Development at Canadian Water Network.
Dissertation title: Does unfairness have a ripple effect? The impact of independent and interdependent self-construals

Agnes Zdaniuk (2005)
Agnes Zdaniuk accepted a position as assistant professor in the Business School at the University of Guelph.
Dissertation title: Who is most likely to avenge an injustice, and why? The role of independent self-construal

Samantha Montes (2005)
Samantha (Montes) Hanson accepted a position as assistant professor in the Rotman School of Management at the University of Toronto, Scarborough.
Dissertation title: Psychological contracts: Assessing underlying assumptions and expanding understanding (co-supervised with G. Irving, Wilfred Laurier University)

Camilla Holmvall (2003)
Camilla Holmvall accepted a position as assistant professor in Psychology at St. Mary's University.
Dissertation title: Procedural and interactional justice: Examining the links between employees' fairness perceptions and work attitudes

Leanne Son Hing (2000)
Leanne Son Hing accepted a position as associate professor of industrial/organizational psychology at the Department of Psychology at University of Guelph.
Dissertation title: Does the perception of discrimination mitigate justice-based opposition to affirmative action?
Master's students
Harshadaa Deshpande (2023)
- Thesis title: It’s Not That Bad, Is It? Third Party Construal Level and Perceptions of Overall Supervisor Fairness Shape Perceptions of Event Unfairness
Muriel Tang (2022)
- Thesis title: “I” or “We” When Delivering Bad News? The Effects of Self-Construal on Interpersonal and informational Justice
Igor Mitrovic (2021)
- Thesis title: Blinded from the Truth? Perceptions of Racial Discrimination During COVID-19
Jennifer Lau (2021)
Midori Nishioka (2018)
- Thesis title: Goal-setting and unethical behavior: The journey toward the goal matters
Frank Mu (2016)
- Thesis title: Why Did I Apologize? Apology Motives and Offender Perceptions in the Aftermath of Workplace Conflicts
Tanya Zarina (2015)
- Thesis title: When leaders make mistakes: Perceptions of leader competence after sex-typed errors
Justin Brienza (2013)
- Thesis title: Workplace Injustice and Counterproductive Work Behaviour: The Moderating Role of Employee Age
Jayna Mitchell (2012)
- Thesis title: Power and Procedual Justice
Elizabeth Shantz (2011)
- Thesis title: Self-construal and Forgiveness
Corey Bainerman (2010)
- Thesis title: First Impressions of Manager Fairness: Set in Stone or Revision-Prone?
Sean Schofield-Hurwitz (2010)
- Thesis title: The cloud of the social contract: Conformity effects in novel contexts of risk and consequence
Graham Nagy (2009)
- Thesis title: The bad news bearers: Examining the effect of self-construal on interactional justice
Kathy Tsang (2008)
- Thesis title: Forgiving unfair treatment: The role of the interdependent self-construal
Katrina Goreham (2004)
- Thesis title: Exploring the delicate art of bearing bad news: Effects of dispositional self- and other-focus on managers' expectations and distancing behaviours
Agnes Zdaniuk (2002)
Camilla Holmvall (1999)
Leanne Son Hing (1997)
Kim Baron (1997)
Liane Davey (1995)
Nicole Whyte (1995)
Julie Patenaude (1994)
Undergraduate students
Honours thesis students
Olha Mendelenko (2021)
- Thesis title: Leader Gender and Apology Effectiveness
Adam Adivi (2019)
- Thesis title: Explaining Cultural Differences in Relationship Restoration
Mercedes King (2019)
- Thesis title: Paradoxical Effects of Organizational Justice
Nadine Ivall Boileau (2018)
- Thesis title: Fairness in the Face of Uncertainty: An Examination of Manager Behaviour
Chloe Fournier (2018)
- Thesis title: Delivering Negative News: The role of Construal Level
Valerie Chen (2018)
- Thesis title: Third-Party Reactions to Non-Forgiveness: The Role of Amend Strength, Victim Gender and Dyad Gender Composition
Yufei Luo (2017)
- Thesis title: Reactions to Interpersonal Justice Violations: The Effect of Supervisor Gender on Supervisory Commitment
Joel Becker (2015)
- Thesis title: Do just actions beget just evaluations for supervisors with intersectional identities
Jordan Kemp (2015)
- Thesis title: Perceived unfairness of negative workplace events: The role of explanations and construal level
Frank Mu (2014)
- Thesis title: Uncovering motives for apologies in workplace transgressions
Yoon Chu (2014)
- Thesis title: In search for true forgiveness in workplace transgressions: The moderating effect of forgiveness motives
Eileen Qian (2014)
- Thesis title: The Effects of Overall Justice and Psychological Distance on Reactions to Workplace Injustice
Lisa Massaro (2011)
- Thesis title: Managers’ perceptions of interactionally sensitive and insensitive males and females
Amanda Briganti (2010)
- Thesis title: The Effects of Self-Construal on Memory of Injustice in the Workplace
Jayna Mitchell (2010)
- Thesis title: The Effects of Being Treated Fairly: The Moderating Role of Leader Gender
Edwina Cheung (2009)
- Thesis title: A New Perspective: Managers’ Self-Construal on Organizational Justice Behaviours in the Workplace
Sean Schofield-Hurwitz (2008)
- Thesis title: A Lawful Mind: The Effects of Self-Identity on the Causal Attribution Process and Behaviour in the Context of an Injustice
Domenica De Pasquale (co-advised with C. MacLeod; 2007)
- Thesis title: Procedural Fairness: The Effects on Memory
Pauline Kuk (co-advised with D. Brown; 2003)
- Thesis title: Can leaders who are fair prime fairness implicitly?
Amber Christie (2000)
- Thesis title: Examining the effects of the consistency rule on judgments of procedural justice
Agnes Zdaniuk (2000)
- Thesis title: When is the violation of procedural consistency perceived as fair?
Harjinder Gill (1997)
- Thesis title: Construction and validation of three components of justice: Distributive justice, procedural justice, and interactional justice
Siobhan Lydon (1996)
Graham Machacek (co-advised with M. Zanna; 1996)
David Stanley (co-advised with M. Zanna; 1995)
Michelle Debeyer (1995)
Aaron Farrell (1994)
Lisa Ridley (1993)
Manjeet Sehra (1993)
Directed studies students
Meha Chauhan (2018)
Yiyi Hu (2017)
Jayna Mitchell (2010)
Adam Halpert (2007)
Catherine Rawn (2003)