Virtual Conferences

Friday, April 30, 2021

The lab will be very busy this summer sharing our research at several virtual conferences:

  • Amy Barron will present her research on gender bias in how managers explain bad news in a student symposium at the annual meeting of Canadian Psychological Association (June, 2021)
  • Igor Mitrovic will present his research on perceptions of discrimination in a poster session at the meeting of the CPA (June, 2021)

  • Midori Nishioka will present her research on how people judge the credibility of claims of unfairness in a session on organizational justice at the biennial meeting of the International Society for Justice Research (July, 2021)

  • Former PhD student Justin Brienza (now on faculty at University of Queensland) and Anna Dorfman (post-doc in social psych at UW) will present our research on perceptions of the gender wage gap in a session at the meeting of the ISJR (July, 2021)

  • Tatiana Marques will present several research projects examining the intersection between employee age and perceptions of fairness (one paper at the meeting of the ISJR; two papers at the Academy of Management Conference

  • Ramona will also be making several presentations with colleagues at ISJR and participating in a pre-conference workshop for doctoral students