Stefan Steiner
Principal Investigator
The Principal Investigator is responsible for delivering the programme results and managing its resources. Professor Steiner is a Professor of Statistics in the Department of Statistics and Actuarial Science at the University of Waterloo and was the chair of the department for 8 years, from July 2014 to June 2022. He holds a Ph.D. in Business Administration (Management Science/Systems) from McMaster University. His primary research interests include quality improvement, process monitoring, experimental design, and measurement system assessment. He has published over 100 research article and won the Shewhart medal (2023), Brumbaugh award (2016), Lloyd Nelson award (2014) and the Wilcoxon prize (2004) from the American Society for Quality (ASQ) as well as the Youden award (2011) from the American Statistical Association (ASA) and the Donald B. Owen Award (2021) from the San Antonio Chapter of the ASA.
Email: shsteiner@uwaterloo.ca
Phone: 519-888-4567 x46506
Location: M3 4014

Bill Duggan
Project Director
The Project Director oversees the implementation of FINCAPES projects. Bill has worked in the field of international development for over 35 years. He has managed and provided technical assistance for numerous development initiatives including projects funded by the UN, the Millennium Development Corporation, the Asian Development Bank, GAC and others. Bill holds a M.Sc. in Rural Development & Planning, a B.Sc. Chemistry/Biology), a Bachelor of Education, and a Fellowship in International Development Management, completed in rural India.
Email: bill.duggan@uwaterloo.ca
Phone: +1 (613) 250-8652
Location: M3 3113

Nancy Sej
Finance Officer
Nancy is the FINCAPES overall Finance Manager, responsible for financial planning, compliance, management and reporting of project finances from all locations.
Nancy has over 30 years experience in financial and project management and holds professional accounting and project management designations. Nancy’s academic achievements include Master of Business Administration and Honours Bachelor of Mathematics.
Email: nancy.sej@uwaterloo.ca
Location: E5

Laura Wilson
Senior Project Officer
The Senior Project Officer supports FINCAPES operational, communications and program leadership to help accelerate and advance strategic priorities and implementation of FINCAPES project activities. Laura has over fifteen years of experience in academic administration, project management, communications management and international development. Her academic background is in English, Political Science, Environment and Business.
Email: laura.wilson@uwaterloo.ca
Phone: 226-220-6965
Location: M3 3113

Michael Lynch
Field Director
The FINCAPES Field Director has management responsibility for the planning, coordination, execution, management, and monitoring of the Project’s resources in Indonesia. Michael has a background in Management, Disaster Response, Education and Botany.
Email: m22lynch@uwaterloo.ca
Phone: + (62) 815-1785-9178
Location: Jakarta, Indonesia

Ivonne Rawis
Office Manager
Ivonne Rawis ensures the seamless operation of FINCAPES as Office Manager. With a focus on optimizing procedures and day-to-day functions, she oversees human resources, office logistics, and external communications. Ivonne collaborates closely with project officers and staff to coordinate activities effectively. She also leads talent management efforts, handling recruitment, training, and evaluation of local staff and consultants.
Email: ivonne.rawis@uwaterloo.ca
Location: Jakarta, Indonesia

Suharni Anni
Field Finance Manager
Manages day-to-day Finance operations in the FINCAPES Jakarta Office, Support financial planning efforts, Monitoring of project finances, Liaison and coordination of financial management, financial reporting.
Email: suharni@uwaterloo.ca
Location: Jakarta, Indonesia
IT & Data Management Support Specialist
Email: rosalin@uwaterloo.ca
Location: Jakarta, Indonesia

Mindawati Azmi
Program Officer – Nature-based Solutions
At FINCAPES, Azmi leads the coordination and implementation of activities within the Nature-based Solutions component. She collaborates closely with IPB University to establish the NbS Applied Research Center and oversees NbS-related capacity building, collaborative studies, mangrove & peatland restoration and conservation. With over 10 years of experience in project management within the education sector, Azmi brings valuable expertise to her role. Her background in Mathematics, coupled with previous experience as a teacher, school leader, and program manager, has equipped her with strong leadership and management skills. Azmi's work spans across various sectors, engaging with government agencies, academics, industries, and local communities.
Email: mindawati.azmi@uwaterloo.ca
Location: Jakarta, Indonesia

Mawardi Muhammad
Program Officer – Climate Finance
Mawardi leads the coordination and implementation of Climate Finance and Flood Risk related activities, particularly in establishing a climate finance research policy center of excellence in selected university partners, aimed at catalyzing Indonesia's transition to a net-zero emissions society. With over 20 years of experience in project management and emergency programs, Mawardi brings invaluable expertise to his role.
Email: mawardi.muhammad@uwaterloo.ca
Location: Jakarta, Indonesia

Sri Mastuti
Gender Equality and Socio-Economic Inclusion Expert
Bringing 20 years experience in Capacity Development, Gender Mainstreaming, Capacity Building, Community Development, Civil Society, Sri Mastuti currently serves as GESEI Expert at FINCAPES Project. Sri holds a Ph.D Program in Public Administration.
Email: sri.mastuti@uwaterloo.ca
Location: Jakarta, Indonesia

Farrah Soeharno
Communication and Knowledge Management Expert
With extensive experiences in strategic communications within the humanitarian assistance and development sector, Farrah Soeharno manages the communication and knowledge management aspects of FINCAPES Project. She ensures the project's key messages reach its audience, garners support for its initiatives, and highlights its innovative outcomes and insights.
Email: farrah.soeharno@uwaterloo.ca
Location: Jakarta, Indonesia