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Alexander Stothart
MASc Student

- Expected 2020, MASc, University of Waterloo
About Alex Stothart
Alex's research is at the interface of engineering and sport, exploring the feasibility of applying localized cooling to inactive muscles as a method to reduce core body temperature during exercise in hot and humid conditions.
Ardalan Javadi

Caddie Zhang

Cederick Landry
PhD student

- Expected 2021, PhD, University of Waterloo
About Cederick Landry
Cederick is part of the research team exploring advanced compression technologies for improving lower limb circulation during a variety of activities, ranging for rest to heavy exertion. Specifically, Cederick is exploring alternative actuation modalities to generate compression to the leg within a small time window of the cardiac cycle. Cederick is also exploring optimization of the compression timing and protocol using machine learning.
Jon Deng
PhD student

- Expected 2022, PhD, University of Waterloo
About Jon Deng
Jon is involved in a multi-institutional grant from the National Institute of Health in the US to elucidate the underlying mechanisms contributing to vocal hyperfunction. Jon is focused on translating clinical measures of individuals into simplified numerical models, with the ultimate aim of providing clinically useful output data that would be otherwise difficult or impossible to measure clinically.
Mohamed Serry
PhD student

- Expected 2023, PhD, University of Waterloo
About Mohamed Serry
Mohamed is involved in a multi-institutional grant from the National Institute of Health in the US to elucidate the underlying mechanisms contributing to vocal hyperfunction. Specifically, Mohamed is investigating the physical underpinnings of muscle tension dysphonia (MTD) using numerical models of the vocal folds. In collaboration with researchers at Universidad Tecnica Federico Santa Maria in Chile and Boston University, Mohamed aims to better understand the physics behind current clinical diagnostic methods towards improving diagnosis and treatment of MTD.
Paul Hadwin
Postdoc (PhD)

- 2014, PhD, Mathematics, University of Aukland
- 2009, BSc/BCom, Mathematics and Statistics, University of Aukland
About Paul Hadwin
Paul is involved in a multi-institutional grant from the National Institute of Health in the US to elucidate the underlying mechanisms contributing to vocal hyperfunction. To this end, Paul is working on inferring human vocal fold tissue parameters from clinical measurements, including vocal fold kinematics and glottal flow rate, using Bayesian analysis.
Paul is an applied mathematician and is working on employing Bayes' theorem to the mechanics of speech.
Peng Zhang
Postdoc (PhD)

About Peng Zhang
Peng is developing multi-functional seed particles for particle image velocimetry (PIV). The seed particles are hydrogel based and enable environmental sensing, with the primary focus on measuring pressure.
When used in conjunction with standard PIV, these novel particles will allow simultaneous measurement of pressure and velocity within a fluid domain. Peng is co-supervised by Dr. Maurizio Porfiri at NYU Polytechnic School of Engineering.
Sean Peterson
Professor (PhD)

2006, Doctorate, Mechanical Engineering, Purdue University
2001, Master of Science, Mechanical Engineering, Purdue University
1998, Bachelor of Science (BSc), Mechanical Engineering, Arizona State University
Research Interests
Fluid mechanics
Biofluid mechanics
Cardiovascular flows
Energy harvesting
Fluid-structure interaction
Underwater propulsion
Smart materials
Vortex dynamics
Optical diagnostic dethods for fluid mechanics
About Professor Peterson
Sean D. Peterson is a professor in the Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering (MME) department at the University of Waterloo.
He joined the engineering faculty in June 2009 after spending two and a half years as a visiting assistant professor in the Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering department at the Polytechnic Institute of New York University, where he retains an affiliated faculty position.
He grew up in San Diego, California, and received his graduate degrees from Purdue University.
Supun Pieris
PhD student

- Expected 2022, PhD, University of Waterloo
About Supun Pieris
Supun is examining the coupled fluid-structure interaction of a fence in a boundary layer flow. Of interest is the vibrational characteristics of a fence due to various naturally-arising frequencies in the flow, including from the upstream separation shear layer, shear layer vortices originating from the top of the fence, and low frequency pulsation of the large downstream separation bubble. Supun is co-advised by professor Serhiy Yarusevych.
Winston Hu

Iara Santelices
Master's student

- Expected 2022, MASc, University of Waterloo
About Iara Santelices
Iara is working to maximize effective of external limb compression systems using machine learning.
Kaycee Okoye
Master's student

- Expected 2022, MASc, University of Waterloo
About Kaycee Okoye
Kaycee is exploring the response of surface deposited droplets and pools to aerodynamic loading.