2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | Prior to 2009
2024 (back to top)
- Liu, E., Monnier, A. and Peterson, S. D., "Investigation of Impulse Enhancement of a Train of Vortex Rings Via the Vortex Nozzle Effect," 77th DFD Meeting of the American Physical Society, Salt Lake City, UT, November 24-26 (2024).
- Deng, J. J. and Peterson, S. D., "The Sensitivity of Phonation Onset Pressure to Vocal Fold Shape," 13th International Conference on Voice Physiology and Biomechanics, Erlangen, Germany, July 22-26 (2024).
2023 (back to top)
- Santelices, I., Landry, C., Arami, A. and Peterson, S. D., "Optimal Intermittent Pneumatic Compression Timing With Deep Reinforcement Learning: a Proof-of-Concept", IEEE International Conference on Wearable and Implantable Body Sensor Networks, Boston, MA, October 9-11 (2023).
- Kallweit, C. M., Chee, A. J. Y., Yiu, B. Y. S., Peterson, S. D. and Yu, A. C. H., "Simultaneous Dual-Modality Flow Validation: Ultrasound Vector Flow Imaging Validated Using Optical Particle Image Velocimetry," IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, Montreal, Canada, September 3-8 (2023).
2022 (back to top)
Pieris, S., Yarusevych, S. and Peterson, S. D., "Effect of Yaw Angle on Aerodynamics of a Square Inclined Flat Plate in Ground Effect," 75th DFD Meeting of the American Physical Society, Indianapolis, IN, November 20-22 (2022).
Motie-Shirazi, M., Zanartu, M., Peterson, S. D. and Erath, E., "Experimental Validation of Repeated /pa/ Gestures for Estimation of Subglottal Pressure with Incomplete Glottal Closure," 75th DFD Meeting of the American Physical Society, Indianapolis, IN, November 20-22 (2022).
Das, R., Giandola, S., Peterson, S. D. and Porfiri, M., "Hydrodynamic Interactions Between Fish Swimming Against a Flow," 75th DFD Meeting of the American Physical Society, Indianapolis, IN, November 20-22 (2022).
Kallweit, C. M., Chee, A. J. Y., Yiu, B. Y. S., Peterson, S. D. and Yu, A. C. H., "Design of a Dual-Modality Tortuous Flow Phantom for Ultrasound and Optical Flow Mapping," IEEE - International Ultrasound Symposium, Venice, Italy, October 10-13 (2022).
Kallweit, C. M., Chee, A. J. Y., Yiu, B. Y. S., Peterson, S. D. and Yu, A. C. H., "Design Protocol for Ultrasound Flow Imaging Verification Phantoms," Artimino 2022 – Medical Ultrasound Technology,Boulder, CO, June 12-15 (2022).
2021 (back to top)
- Zhang, P., Peterson, S. D. and Porfiri, M., "A Vortex Sheet-Based Hydrodynamic Model of Fish Swimming," 74th DFD Meeting of the American Physical Society, Phoenix, AZ, November 21-23 (2021).
- Hadwin, P. J., Erath, B. D. and Peterson, S. D., "Influence of Fluid Flow Model on Finite Element Model Parameter Estimates using Bayesian Inference," 5–6th Thermal and Fluids Engineering Conference, New Orleans, LA, May 26-28 (2021).
- Javadi, A. and Peterson, S. D., "Direct Numerical Simulation of a Cylinder Rolling on a Horizontal Surface: The Effect of Thickness on Aerodynamic Forces," 5–6th Thermal and Fluids Engineering Conference, New Orleans, LA, May 26-28 (2021).
- Karakaya, M., Sattanapalle, R. R., Peterson, S. D. and Porfiri, M., "Zebrafish Swimming in Pairs: Modeling and Experiments," SIAM Conference on Applications of Dynamical Systems, Portland, OR, May 23-27 (2021).
2020 (back to top)
Hu, J.-C. and Peterson, S. D., "The Role of Core Flattening During Vortex Reconnection," 73rd DFD Meeting of the American Physical Society, Chicago, IL, November 22-24 (2020).
Motie-Shirazi, M., Peterson, S. D., Zañartu, M. and Erath, B. D., "Time-Resolved Intraglottal Pressure Distributions in a Self-Oscillating, Hemi-Laryngeal, Synthetic Silicone Model of the Vocal Folds," 73rd DFD Meeting of the American Physical Society, Chicago, IL, November 22-24 (2020).
2019 (back to top)
Zhang, X., Tuna, B. A., Yarusevych, S. and Peterson, S. D., "Drag Estimation of Isolated, Surface-Mounted, Droplet-Inspired Geometries," 72nd DFD Meeting of the American Physical Society, Seattle, WA, November 23-26 (2019).
Peterson, S. D., "Computational Fluid Dynamics: A Tool for Aerodynamic Assessment in Sport," Sport Innovation Summit, Toronto, ON, October 29-30 (2019).
Peterson, S. D., "Mitigating Core Body Temperature Increase During Cycling in Hot and Humid Conditions with Continuous Forearm Cooling," Sport Innovation Summit, Toronto, ON, October 29-30 (2019).
Hadwin, P. J., Motie-Shirazi, M., Erath, B. D. and Peterson, S. D., "Quantifying Vocal Fold Contact Pressure Through Bayesian Estimation of Reduced and High-Order Vocal Fold Models," 48th Annual Symposium of The Voice Foundation, Philadelphia, PA, May 29-June 1 (2019).
2018 (back to top)
Pocock, B., Porfiri, M. and Peterson, S. D., "Analysis of Fluid-Structure Interactions using Information Theory," 71st DFD Meeting of the American Physical Society, Atlanta, GA, November 18-20 (2018).
Pirnia, A., Clemons, K., Peterson, S. D. and Erath, B. D., "Optimal Mechanical Properties for Energy Extraction from Plates Subjected to Discrete Vortex Loading," 71st DFD Meeting of the American Physical Society, Atlanta, GA, November 18-20 (2018).
Hu, J.-C. and Peterson, S. D., "The Influence of Collision Angle on Vortex Reconnection During the Symmetrical Collision of Vortex Rings," 71st DFD Meeting of the American Physical Society, Atlanta, GA, November 18-20 (2018).
Zhang, X., Yarusevych, S. and Peterson, S. D., "Investigation of Droplet Behaviour Under the Influence of an Oblique Impinging Jet," 71st DFD Meeting of the American Physical Society, Atlanta, GA, November 18-20 (2018).
Pieris, S., Tuna, B. A., Yarusevych, S. and Peterson, S. D., "Effect of Reynolds Number on the Separated-Reattached Flow Upstream of a Fence," 71st DFD Meeting of the American Physical Society, Atlanta, GA, November 18-20 (2018).
Zhang, P., Rosen, M., Peterson, S. D. and Porfiri, M., "An Information-Theoretic Approach to Establish Cause-And-Effect RElationships in Tandem Swimmers," Conference on Bio-Propulsion of Adaptive Systems, Queen's University Biological Station, ON, July 23-26 (2018).
Fawcett, A., Prince, C. N., Zuj, K., Hughson, R. L. and Peterson, S. D., "A Compression Story: Timing is Everything," Schlegel-University of Waterloo Research Institute for Aging Cerebral Hypoperfusion Summit, Waterloo, ON, April 4-5 (2018).
Gibbons, T. D., Zuj, K. A., Prince, C. N., Peterson, S. D. and Hughson, R. L., "Hemodynamic Effects of Intermittent Pneumatic Compression as a Countermeasure to Orthostatic Stress," Schlegel-University of Waterloo Research Institute for Aging Cerebral Hypoperfusion Summit, Waterloo, ON, April 4-5 (2018).
Milligan, J., Peterson, S. D. and Hughson, R. L., "The Second Heart: Active Compression for the Maintenance of Blood Pressure and Brain Blood Flow in the Elderly," Schlegel-University of Waterloo Research Institute for Aging Cerebral Hypoperfusion Summit, Waterloo, ON, April 4-5 (2018).
Gibbons, T. D., Zuj, K., Kingston, D. C., Prince, C. N., Peterson, S. D. and Hughson, R. L., "Hemodynamic Effects of Intermittent Compression as a Countermeasure to Orthostatic Stress," Okanagan Cardiovascular and Respiratory Symposium, Victoria, BC, March 15-17 (2018).
2017 (back to top)
Gibbons, T. D., Zuj, K. A., Kinston, D. C., Prince, C. N., Peterson, S. D. and Hughson, R. L., "Hemodynamic Effects of Intermittent Compression During Squat-to-Stand Transitions," HeartOtago Cardiovascular Symposium, Dunedin, New Zealand, November 28-29 (2017).
Fawcett, A., Prince, C. N., Hughson, R. L. and Peterson, S. D., "A Compression Story: Timing is Everything," BioTEC, Waterloo, ON, November 25 (2017).
Zhang, P., Peterson, S. D. and Porfiri, M., "Simultaneous Velocity and Pressure Quantification Using Pressure-Sensitive Flow Tracers in Air," 70th DFD Meeting of the American Physical Society, Denver, CO, November 19-21 (2017).
Peterson, S. D., Rosen, M., Gementzopoulos, A., Zhang, P. and Porfiri, M., "Elucidating Cause-and-Effect Relationships in Tandem Swimmer Models Using Transfer Entropy," 70th DFD Meeting of the American Physical Society, Denver, CO, November 19-21 (2017).
Zhang, X., Yarusevych, S. and Peterson, S. D., "Characterization of Two-Dimensional Impinging Jets," 70th DFD Meeting of the American Physical Society, Denver, CO, November 19-21 (2017).
Hu, J.-C. and Peterson, S. D., "Numerical Investigation of a Vortex Ring Impinging on a Coaxial Aperture," 70th DFD Meeting of the American Physical Society, Denver, CO, November 19-21 (2017).
Pirnia, A., Browning, E., Peterson, S. D. and Erath, B.D., "Optimum Energy Extraction from Coherent Vortex Rings Passing Tangentially Over Flexible Plates," 70th DFD Meeting of the American Physical Society, Denver, CO, November 19-21 (2017).
2016 (back to top)
Pirnia, A., Hu, J.-C., Peterson, S. D. and Erath, B.D., "Experimental Study of Vortex Ring Interactions with a Flexible Beam," 69th DFD Meeting of the American Physical Society, Portland, OR, November 20-22 (2016).
Erath, B. D., Pirnia, A. and Peterson, S. D., "The Impact of Intraglottal Vortices on Vocal Fold Dynamics;," 69th DFD Meeting of the American Physical Society, Portland, OR, November 20-22 (2016).
Gibbons, T. D., Zuj, K., Peterson, S. D. and Hughson, R. L., "Comparison of Pulse Contour Analysis and Aortic Doppler Ultrasound Estimates of Stroke Volume During Rapid Changes in Vascular Resistance," Canadian Soceity of Exercise Physiology Annual Conference, Victoria, BC, October 12-15 (2016).
2015 (back to top)
Airody, A. and Peterson, S. D., "Design Optimization of a Vaneless "Fish-Friendly" Swirl Injector for Small Water Turbines," 68th DFD Meeting of the American Physical Society, Boston, MA, November 22-24 (2015).
Hu, J.-C. and Peterson, S. D., "Impact of a Vortex Ring on a Wall with a Circular Cutout," 68th DFD Meeting of the American Physical Society, Boston, MA, November 22-24 (2015).
Zivkov, E., Peterson, S. D. and Yarusevych, S., "Experimental Investigation of the Interaction of a Vortex Dipole with a Deformable Cantilevered Plate," 68th DFD Meeting of the American Physical Society, Boston, MA, November 22-24 (2015).
Zuj, K., Prince, C., Hughson, R. L. and Peterson, S. D., "The Local Hemodynamic Effect of Intermittent Pneumatic Compression of the Lower Leg During Plantar Flexion Exercise," Canadian Soceity of Exercise Physiology Annual Conference, Hamilton, ON, October 14-17 (2015).
2014 (back to top)
Prince, C. and Peterson, S. D., "Examination of Unsteady Flow in a Mildly Curved Vessel with Stent-Like Wall Protrusions: A Tale of Two Vessels," 67th DFD Meeting of the American Physical Society, San Francisco, CA, November 23-25 (2014).
Zivkov, E., Yarusevych, S. and Peterson, S. D., "Interaction of a Vortex Dipole with a Deformable Cantilevered Plate," 67th DFD Meeting of the American Physical Society, San Francisco, CA, November 23-25 (2014).
Hu, J.-C. and Peterson, S. D., "A Two-Dimensional Potential Flow Model of the Interaction of a Vortex Ring Passing Over a Flexible Plate for Energy Harvesting Applications," 67th DFD Meeting of the American Physical Society, San Francisco, CA, November 23-25 (2014).
Book, J., Villar, R., Prince, C., Hughson, R. L. and Peterson, S. D., "Mapping of Graduated Compression Socks Pressure Distribution and Subsequent Effect on Peripheral and Systemic Hemodynamics During Exercise," 7th World Congress of Biomechanics, Boston, MA, July 6-11 (2014).
2013 (back to top)
Peterson, S. D., "Recording and Posting Lecture Content as a Studying Tool for Students," Opportunities and New Directions Conference, Waterloo, ON, April 25 (2013).
2012 (back to top)
Peterson, S. D. and Porfiri, M., "Impact of a Vortex Dipole with a Semi-Infinite Plate," 65th DFD Meeting of the American Physical Society, San Diego, CA, November 18-20 (2012).
Sommer, D. E. and Peterson, S. D., "A Coupled Experimental-Numerical Framework for Fluid-Structure Interaction Studies: Towards a Pseudo-Self-Oscillating Vocal Fold Facility," 65th DFD Meeting of the American Physical Society, San Diego, CA, November 18-20 (2012).
Prince, C. and Peterson, S. D., "A CFD Study of Steady Flow of a Newtonian and non-Newtonian Fluids Through a Mildly Curved Tube with Stent-Like Wall Protrusion Patterns," 65th DFD Meeting of the American Physical Society, San Diego, CA, November 18-20 (2012).
2011 (back to top)
Erath, B. D., Zañartu, M., Peterson, S. D. and Plesniak, M. W., "Fluid-Acoustic Interactions and Their Impact on Pathological Voiced Speech," 64th DFD Meeting of the American Physical Society, Baltimore, MD, November 20-22 (2011).
Peterson, S. D. and Porfiri, M., "Experimental Study of a Vortex Ring Impacting a Smart Material-Based Cantilevered Plate," 64th DFD Meeting of the American Physical Society, Baltimore, MD, November 20-22 (2011).
Prince, C., Gu, M. and Peterson, S. D., "A Numerical Study of Steady Flow Through a Curved Tube with Wavy Walls," 64th DFD Meeting of the American Physical Society, Baltimore, MD, November 20-22 (2011).
Sommer, D., Erath, B. D., Zañartu, M. and Peterson, S. D., "Irregular Vocal Fold Dynamics Incited by Asymmetric Fluid Loading in a Model of Recurrent Laryngeal Nerve Paralysis," 64th DFD Meeting of the American Physical Society, Baltimore, MD, November 20-22 (2011).
2010 (back to top)
Erath, B. D., Peterson, S. D., and Plesniak, M. W., "The Impact of Asymmetric Flows on Pathological Speech," 63rd DFD Meeting of the American Physical Society, Long Beach, CA, November 21-23 (2010).
2009 (back to top)
Shu, F., Plesniak, M. W., Prince, C., and Peterson, S. D., "Evolution of Streamwise Vortices in a 180° Circular Bend Under Physiological Flow Conditions," 62nd DFD Meeting of the American Physical Society, Minneapolis, MN, November 22-24 (2009).
Prior to 2009 (back to top)
Prince, C., Peterson, S. D., and Plesniak, M. W., "Secondary Flow Structure Induced by a Multiple-Harmonic Pulsatile Waveform at Low Womersley Number in a Curved Tube," 61st DFD Meeting of the American Physical Society, San Antonio, TX, November 23-25 (2008).
Peterson, S. D., Varghese, J. T., Prince, C., Pai, V., and Plesniak, M. W., "Investigation of Unsteady Secondary Flow Structures in a Curved Tube using MRI Velocimetry," 60th DFD Meeting of the American Physical Society, Salt Lake City, UT, November 18-20 (2007).
Peterson, S. D. and Plesniak, M. W., "Effects of Streamwise Injection on the Skin Friction Distribution Around a Row of Jets-in-Crossflow," 58th DFD Meeting of the American Physical Society, Chicago, IL, November 20-22 (2005).
McCann, J. A., Peterson, S. D., Plesniak, M. W., Webster, T. J., and Haberstroh, K. M., "Vascular Endothelial Cells Respond to Their Mechanical and Chemical Environment," Poster presentation Sigma Xi Graduate Student Poster Competition, West Lafayette, IN (2005).
McCann, J. A., Peterson, S. D., Webster, T. J., Plesniak, M. W., and Haberstroh, K. M., "Slight Geometrical Variations Across a Parallel Plate Flow Chamber Yields Non-Uniform Gene Expression," Poster presentation Sigma Xi Graduate Student Poster Competition, West Lafayette, IN, March 19 (2003).
Peterson, S. D. and Plesniak, M. W., "Flow Phenomena in a Stenosed Axisymmetric Model," 55th DFD Meeting of the American Physical Society, Dallas, TX, November 24-26 (2002).
McCann, J. A., Peterson, S. D., Webster, T. J., Plesniak, M. W. and Haberstroh, K. M., "Differential Gene Expression Due to Inadvertent Variations in Fluid Flow Across a Parallel Plate Flow Chamber," AICHE Annual Meeting, Indianapolis, IN, November 4-8 (2002).
Peterson, S. D., Plesniak, M. W., Frankel, S. H., Haberstroh, K. M., Webster, T. J., Wereley, S. T., and Xu, L., "Particle Image Velocimetry Measurements in a 2D Micro-Channel and an Occluded In Vitro Axisymmetric Arterial Model," Poster presentation IV World Congress of Biomechanics, Calgary, Canada, August 4-9 (2002).
Peterson, S. D. and Plesniak, M. W., "Effect of Plenum Feed Direction on JICF Interaction," 54th DFD Meeting of the American Physical Society, San Diego, CA, November 18-20 (2001).
Peterson, S. D. and Plesniak, M. W., "Boundary Layer Skin Friction in the Vicinity of Multiple Jets-in-Crossflow," 53rd DFD Meeting of the American Physical Society, Washington, D.C., November 19-21 (2000).