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Paul Hadwin
Postdoc (PhD)

- 2014, PhD, Mathematics, University of Aukland
- 2009, BSc/BCom, Mathematics and Statistics, University of Aukland
About Paul Hadwin
Paul is involved in a multi-institutional grant from the National Institute of Health in the US to elucidate the underlying mechanisms contributing to vocal hyperfunction. To this end, Paul is working on inferring human vocal fold tissue parameters from clinical measurements, including vocal fold kinematics and glottal flow rate, using Bayesian analysis.
Paul is an applied mathematician and is working on employing Bayes' theorem to the mechanics of speech.
Peng Zhang
Postdoc (PhD)

About Peng Zhang
Peng is developing multi-functional seed particles for particle image velocimetry (PIV). The seed particles are hydrogel based and enable environmental sensing, with the primary focus on measuring pressure.
When used in conjunction with standard PIV, these novel particles will allow simultaneous measurement of pressure and velocity within a fluid domain. Peng is co-supervised by Dr. Maurizio Porfiri at NYU Polytechnic School of Engineering.