Supun Pieris - PhD (2023)
TPhD hesis: Aerodynamics of finite-span inclined flat plates in ground proximity.
Co-supervised by Prof. S.D. Peterson
MASc Thesis (2017): Experimental investigation of a normally impinging planar jet.

Kaycee Okoye MASc (2021-2023)
Thesis: Breakup of a surface-mounted droplet by an impinging jet flow.
Co-supervised by Prof. S.D. Peterson

Yash Shah - PhD (2021)
Thesis: Effect of polymer additives on transitioning and turbulent boundary layers.

Qikai (Kieran) Qin - visiting PhD (2020-2021)
Thesis: Investigation of junction flow dynamics.

Xueqing (Caddie) Zhang - PhD (2021)
Thesis: Interaction of a water droplet on a solid surface with an impinging air jet.
Co-supervised by Prof. S.D. Peterson

John Kurelek - PhD (2020)
Thesis: Three-dimensional aspects of boundary layer separation and separated shear layer transition.
Co-supervised by Prof. M. Kotsonis (TU Delft)
MASc Thesis (2016): Transition in a laminar separation bubble and the effect of acoustic excitation

Jeff McClure - PhD candidate (2015 - 2019)
PhD Thesis: Pressure and loads estimation from particle image velocimetry.
MASc Thesis (2015): On the Planar Flow Development and Structual Loading of Cylinders with Circular Fins in Cross-Flow.

Dallyn Wynnychuk - MASc (2019)
Thesis: Application of infrared imaging to flow measurements on airfoils.

Qihang Yuan - visiting PhD (2018 - 2019)
Project: Flow over slender bodies at an incident.

Amitvikram (Amit) Dutta - MASc (2019)
Thesis: Compbined experimental and numerical analysis of confined jets.
Co-supervised by Prof. J.P. Hickey

Burak Ahmet Tuna - Postdoc (2016 - 2019)
Effect of turbulence intensity on liquid film evaporation in developing channel flows.
Co-supervised by Prof. X. Li

Erik Marble - MASc (2018)
Thesis: Structural response and wake vortex dynamics of cylindrical structures undergoing VIV with elliptic trajectories.
Co-supervised by Prof. C. Morton (U of Calgary)

Mark Istvan - MASc (2017)
Thesis: Effect of free stream turbulence on laminar separation bubble.

Theo Michelis - PhD (2017)
Thesis: Boundary layer separation: diagnostics and control.
Co-supervised by Prof. M. Kotsonis

Laura Haya - Postdoc (2016 - 2017)
Dynamics of surface deposited droplets in shear flows
Co-supervised by Prof. S.D. Peterson

Sahil Mahey - MASc (2017)
Thesis: Flow induced vibrations of foreign objects in heat exchangers.

Eugene Zivkov - Research assistant (2017)
Project: Interaction of vortices with flexible structures in energy harvesting systems.
Co-supervised by prof. S.D. Peterson

Stefan Pröbsting - Postdoc (2016)
Tonal noise production and feedback effect on airfoils in low Reynolds number flows.
Co-supervised by Prof. S. Moreau (U de Sherbrooke)
PhD Thesis (2015, TU Delft): Airfoil self-noise

Andrew Lambert - MASc (2015)
Thesis: Experimental investigation of coherent structures in laminar separation bubbles.

Christopher Morton - PhD (2014)
PhD thesis: Experimental and numerical research of flow development over complex cylindrical geometries in engineering applications.
MASc thesis (2010): Experimental and numerical investigations of the flow development over cylinders with stepwise discontinuities in diameter.

Manpreet Bansal - MASc (2014)
Thesis: Experimental and numerical investigation of flows in tube bundles.

Sina Rafati - MASc (2014)
Thesis: Investigation of step cylinder turbulent wake development using TOMO PIV.
Co-supervised by Prof. F. Scarano (TU Delft)

Holly Neatby - MASc (2014)
Thesis: Experimental evaluation of flow-measurement-based
drag estimation methods.

Thomas Kirk - MASc (2014)
Thesis: The later stages of transition over a NACA 0018 airfoil at a low Reynolds number.

Bülent Yaniktepe - visiting professor (2013)

Michael Boutilier - MASc (2011)
Thesis: Experimental investigation of transition over a NACA 0018 airfoil at a low Reynolds number.

Sina Kheirkhah - MASc (2011)
Thesis: Vortex-induced vibrations of a pivoted circular cylinder and their control using a tuned-mass damper.
Co-supervised by Prof. S. Narasimhan

Richard Lourenco - MASc (2011)
Thesis: Design, construction, and testing of an adaptive pendulum tuned mass damper.
Co-supervised by Prof. S. Narasimhan

Ryan Gerakopulos - MASc (2011)
Thesis: Investigating flow over an airfoil at low Reynolds numbers using novel time-resolved surface pressure measurements.

Sebastian Goodfellow - MASc (2010)
Thesis: Active flow control using synthetic jet actuation.
Co-supervised by Prof. P.E. Sullivan (U of T)

Michael Bishop - MASc (2010)
Thesis : Experimental investigation of the effect of wall adaptation on flow over a cylinder in a modernized adaptive-wall wind tunnel.

Ignacio Carvajal Mariscal - visiting professor (2008 - 2009)
Thesis: The later stages of transition over a NACA 0018 airfoil at a low Reynolds number.