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Principal Investigator
Professor Serhiy Yarusevych, PhD
Serhiy Yarusevych is a professor in the Department of Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering (MME) at the University of Waterloo.
Phone: (519) 888-4567 ext. 35442
Fax: (519) 885-5862
Office: Engineering 5-3013
Current researchers
Supun Pieris PhD candidate
Fluid dynamics and aerosol dispersion control in human breathing.
Co-supervised by Prof. S.D. Peterson
Nianhua Liu PhD candidate
Thesis: Aerodynamics and flow control on wings in low Reynolds number flows
Deep Patel MASc candidate
Thesis: Flow development and loading on finite lifting surfaces at low Reynolds numbers
Nikhilesh Ramesh - PhD candidate
Thesis: Experimental estimation of loads in vortex induced vibration problems and development of robust system models.
Co-supervised by Prof. C. Morton (U of Calgary)
Connor Toppings - PhD candidate
Thesis: Unsteady aerodynamics of airfoils and finite wings at low Reynolds number.
MASc Thesis (2021): Laminar separation bubble dynamics on a finite wing.
Wolfgang Dierl - PhD candidate
Thesis: Transient low Reynolds number aerodynamics.
Co-supervised by Prof. C. Kaehler (Bundeswehr University Munich)
Hicham El Khayri, MASc candidate
Thesis: Mitigation of aerosol dispersion and inhalation in human breathing.
Co-supervised by Prof. S.D. Peterson