The encampment located on Grad House Green and associated events (including the May 20 community BBQ event) violate several items listed on our list of prohibited activities (published online and on signs around the campus on Tuesday, May 14, 2024) and also violate various University of Waterloo policies.
We have been clear, including in writing, that the encampment cannot remain indefinitely and that members of the encampment have already breached several of our prohibited activities and policies. Because you continue to violate our policies, we require you to end the encampment immediately and to dismantle all structures.
The following is a non-exhaustive list of University policies of which members of the encampment are, or may be, in violation. This conduct is inconsistent with the Trespass to Property Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. T. 21.
Policy 2
It is the general policy of the University to provide sufficient tackboards or other types of notice boards throughout its buildings, which will provide a reasonable amount of space for the posting of legitimate notices required for the official purposes of academic, non-academic, and student activities. As your signs, flags and banners have been installed without permission, the individuals who installed these are in violation of Policy 2.
Policy 15
Policy 15 – Bookings - Use and Reservation of University Facilities for Activities Not Regularly Timetabled sets clear guidelines for safe, lawful, and fair access to the University’s facilities in furtherance of the institution's mission. This policy covers all University space. Our list of prohibited activities also clearly states that unauthorized use of University property or facilities for activities not regularly timetabled (outside of regularly scheduled class hours of 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. daily) is prohibited. As you did not seek permission to use the University’s space and have occupied the space outside regularly scheduled hours, you are in violation of this policy.
The policy also requires that before any signs and banners may be installed on campus, permission must be granted by Plant Operations, who will supervise the installation of such signs/banners. As your signs, flags and banners have been installed without permission, the individuals who installed these are in violation of Policy 15.
Policy 22
Policy 22 - Regulations Governing the Installation of Equipment in University Buildings governs “the modification or planning of suitable facilities” which says “no modification or attachment to a building structure or service shall be made by persons other than Plant Operations personnel unless such personnel have been specifically authorized by the Vice-President, Administration & Finance, or delegate.” As you have installed structures including a plywood barricade without authorization, you have acted in violation of Policy 22.
Policy 33
Policy 33 states “that no member of the University community (faculty, staff, student) unduly interferes with the study, work or working environment of other members of the University or any aspect of another’s University activity.” The nature of some of the signage surrounding the encampment has caused community members to feel targeted, and intimidated by the presence of the encampment to the point that they cannot walk in areas near it. The presence of the encampment may be unduly interfering with the University activity of others and the people responsible for it may therefore be in violation of Policy 33.
Policy 34
Policy 34 – Health, Safety and Environment applies to all University employees, students and visitors on University Property or participating in University Events. Under this policy, the University will take every precaution reasonable in the circumstances to protect the health and safety of its employees, students, and visitors. This includes being certain of the safety of people who are staying at the encampment (this includes, but is not limited to, the prohibition of unauthorized structures of any sort – tents, shelters, etc.). An important way that the University can be certain of the safety inside the encampment is to inspect the area regularly. We have asked you repeatedly since Monday, May 13, 2024 to allow University officials inside the encampment to inspect it for safety compliance. As you have erected unauthorized structures and refused to allow us to inspect the encampment for safety compliance, we cannot be sure that we are taking every precaution reasonable in the circumstances to protect the health and safety of University employees, students, and visitors in the encampment. Your conduct inhibits the University’s ability to comply with its obligations under the Occupational Health and Safety Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. O.1, which is in violation of Policy 34.
On Saturday, May 18, 2024, you installed more plywood barricades. When questioned about this, encampment police/safety liaisons advised that this was necessary to protect the safety of those inside the encampment from external threats. This is a concern, as it indicates you believe there is a credible threat to your safety. The additional plywood barriers are not an acceptable solution to your perceived safety concern.
Policy 71
Non-academic offences under Policy 71 include misuse of University resources, unauthorized use of equipment, material or a facility or service, and violation of safety regulations. As you did not seek permission to use the University’s space, the presence of the encampment is limiting the ability of some others to enjoy the University campus, and as you have consistently refused to allow University officials to inspect the encampment for safety compliance, students present in the encampment may be in violation of this policy.