
Supports at the University for those members of the community who may be offended by ideologies protected as free speech or expression

Associations, offices and units offering support


A message from Vivek Goel, President and Vice-Chancellor, University of Waterloo 

The University of Waterloo is seeking members to establish a Presidential Advisory Committee on Freedom of Expression and Inclusive Engagement to maintain a campus culture that encourages and facilitates open and inclusive dialogue as essential elements in our academic and social experience at Waterloo. 

Early this morning (Wednesday, October 2), community members reported the presence of numerous posters placed across campus to University’s Special Constable Service (SCS). Some of these posters contain imagery which is antisemitic, and they are being removed as quickly as possible.

Special Constables are investigating. If SCS are able to identify individuals who placed these posters they will face consequences in accordance with University policy. We have informed Waterloo Region Police Service and we will keep them informed of our progress.

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Freedom of Expression action plan

Freedom of Expression action plan. In June, we updated the University community on the progress of the Freedom of Expression and Inclusive Engagement Task Force, which had concluded its work and issued a final report.The Task Force report outlined 24 general principles and 16 recommendations to help guide the University in its ongoing work to maintain a campus environment for open inquiry and exchange, free expression and inclusive engagement.We are pleased to share more details about the University’s next steps and plan for implementing the recommendations of the task force.