The UWSA works on behalf of all regular staff—contract and permanent—to advocate for improvements in employment policies, benefits, compensation, and other organizational issues. This work is funded almost entirely by member dues, but it benefits all staff.
The UWSA also offers a variety of services that are only available to dues-paying members, including:
- A voice in University decision making
- Protection under University of Waterloo policies
- Confidential support and advocacy
- Professional development opportunities
- Grants and scholarships
- Group discounts and corporate memberships
- Events and other ways to connect
Are you a member?
All staff hired after October 25, 2022, are automatically members. Anyone hired before then needs to opt in to join.
If you get emails from us, you're a member! You can also check your latest payslip to see if your deductions include "Staff Association Fees."
– UWSA member, 2024 member survey
– UWSA member, 2024 member survey
Confidential support
If you are experiencing difficulties or challenges on campus, our Member Advisory Committee has qualified and experienced staff that can help you navigate the situation.
Voting and election rights
Members have full voting privileges in elections and at annual meetings, and are eligible to serve on the UWSA board of directors and as UWSA president.
Keeping members informed
We keep members informed and connected with newsletters, our Area Representatives Council, department visits, and more.
Bringing staff together
We create opportunities for you to meet staff from across the University through social events, workshops, drop-in office hours, department visits, and outreach events across all our campuses.
A quarter of our members have attended our events in the past two years. Have you?
Discount programs
Only members have access to our corporate and local business discounts on everything from insurance and travel to clothing and pickleball. Visit our members-only Confluence site to see all the details.
Representing staff interests
Only members are eligible to represent staff on many UWSA and University committees where decisions about working conditions are made.
– UWSA member, 2024 member survey
Member consultation
We consult with members regularly to identify key concerns and inform our advocacy efforts, through surveys, town hall meetings, and our Area Representatives Council.
Involuntary termination support
In addition to the advice and counsel of the Member Advisory Committee, we can provide financial support to members who have been involuntarily terminated.
Student scholarships
The UWSA provides several awards each year to full- or part-time undergraduate or graduate students at the University of Waterloo who are UWSA members or their spouses, children, or grandchildren.
Professional development opportunities
Serving on the UWSA Board of Directors, as president, or on a committee is an excellent way to learn how the university works, and get training and experience in non-profit governance, meeting facilitation, leadership, and more. We also offer professional development workshops throughout the year.
Staff Enhancement Grants
The Staff Enhancement Grant covers costs associated with the pursuit of personal development undertaken by UWSA staff members, up to $500.
Career services for staff
In 2009, the UWSA members on the Provost's Advisory Committee on Staff Compensation were instrumental in creating the position of Staff Career Advisor. Funding for the position was initially provided by the Staff Excellence Fund. It is now centrally funded and can provide career and employment advising to a broader group of University of Waterloo employees.
Staff members can meet with the Employee Career Advisor for assistance with self-assessments, résumé and cover letter reviews, mock interviews, professional development and further education resources, career decision making, and job success. Reach out to for support.
Staff members can also access the award-winning CareerHub and other Centre for Career Development online resources.
How to become a member
We encourage all staff hired before October 28, 2022, to join with your fellow Waterloo staff as members of your association.
When you join, UWSA dues will be deducted from your paycheque. UWSA dues are just 0.28% of your salary.
Once you sign up, you'll receive a welcome email within a few days.
As of October 26, 2022, under our Memorandum of Agreement with the University, all new employees with a USG grade are members and pay UWSA dues as a condition of employment.
Staff hired before October 26, 2022, are encouraged to join and pay the associated dues (and are entitled to resign their membership).
Staff working at the Affiliated and Federated Institutions are not eligible for UWSA membership.