Fall 2024 elections

In October, members will elect the next president to lead the UWSA operations team. The successful candidate will serve as president-elect for one year and become president in November 2025, followed by one year as past president. Members will also elect four directors to help govern the association for the next three years.

4 directors, 1 president

Presidents and directors make a real difference to the association and its members

  • The president sets short-term and advocacy priorities, supervises the UWSA's day-to-day activities, and sets the tone for the association.
  • Directors set long-term goals for the association, provide important financial and governance oversight, and safeguard the UWSA's future.

UWSA leadership is a great professional development opportunity

You’ll learn a lot about how the university works, and you’ll meet people you normally wouldn’t from all across the university, including senior leadership. You’ll also get training in non-profit governance, meeting facilitation, leadership, and more. Presidents spend a year supervising three full-time staff and are encouraged to take UW's leadership training workshops.

Learn more:


The election timeline

Election timeline; details also available in text on the page.

  • Election info sessions will take place September 16 and 17. [Please note that the September 11 session has been cancelled.]
  • Nominations open September 16 and close September 27.
  • A "meet the candidates" event will be held online on October 3 over the lunch hour. 
  • Voting will run October 15 through 21.
  • Results will be announced at the Annual Meeting October 24.



All staff who are UWSA members by October 1 will be eligible to vote. 

Candidates and nominators

All staff, including contract staff, who are UWSA members eligible to run in the elections.

Please note:

  • Candidates and their nominators must be members at the time of nomination. Nominations close September 27. 
  • The three-year director term lengths are a goal and a maximum: directors end their terms early for all kinds of reasons, so don't let being on a shorter contract stop you from running if you think you have something to offer! 
  • Presidential candidates, however, do need to be able to commit to a full three-year term, and a 100% secondment in the second year, which will require permission from your current manager.

What the president does

The president has overall strategic and operational responsibility for the UWSA’s employees, its programs and services, and the execution of its mission and strategic plan.

The complete term is a three-year commitment with three distinct roles:

  1. In the first year, the president-elect continues in their regular campus role while also working closely with the president, who helps prepare them for the role. This may include training to bridge any gaps in knowledge or skills.
  2. In the second year, the president position is a full-time one-year secondment to the UWSA during which the president receives their regular UW salary plus a stipend equivalent to 10% of USG 13 job value.
  3. In the third year, the past president supports the president and provides continuity, while returning to their regular campus role.

Release time

The president-elect and past president each get three days a month of release time from their regular duties to attend to UWSA business.


Some of the benefits of serving in this role include better understanding how the University works, building cross-campus relationships, and developing leadership capacity.


What directors do

Collectively, the Board of Directors guides the high-level strategic direction of the UWSA and provides financial and policy oversight. 

Individually, directors are expected to actively participate in meetings; bring their best ideas to the table by considering each topic at hand and establishing a perspective; and participate in training and development activities. Directors serve on at least one standing committee, and any director may eventually fill an important officer role: secretary, treasurer, chair, or vice chair, which have additional responsibilities.

Directors are also currently the pool from which many staff representatives on the Staff Relations Committee (SRC) and Provost's Advisory Committee on Staff Compensation (PACSC) are selected. These are two important committees that shape our working conditions and compensation, and some directors will serve in this capacity, separately from their role on the board.

Release time

Directors receive one day a month of release time from their regular work duties to attend to UWSA business. Officers receive additional release time.


Some of the benefits of serving as a director include getting training in governance principles and developing working relationships with colleagues from across campus, including senior members of University leadership.


The nomination process