Our emails and newsletters

Essential emails

As your representative, we are required to send you emails about our work on your behalf and about opportunities for you to participate, such as elections and general meetings. We send those emails and other important notices over a UW-hosted mailing list. We can't take you off this list because we're required by law to notify you about a lot of those things.

Monthly newsletters

In addition to those essential emails, we send members a monthly newsletter covering the latest UWSA news and events, workplace tips, and upcoming events on campus and in the community—plus programs and discounts available only to members. These emails are sent through Mailchimp and you can opt out of these if you prefer.

Bonus emails

We also use Mailchimp to email members about events and special offers. You can choose what kinds of emails you want to get, and are free to opt out of any or all categories at any time:

  • Newsletters: Newsletters include UWSA news and events, tips and resources, campus events, member polls, and more.
  • UWSA events: Be the first to know about special events from our Fundraising & Social Committee, like private movie screenings, Bingemans trips, and Winterfest, to name a few. You'll also find out about events and initiatives funded by the Staff Excellence Fund!
  • Discounts and promotions: Get special offers from our corporate partners (such as belairdirect insurance and Perkopolis), exclusive shopping events, Drayton tickets, and more.
  • UWSA 101: Educational emails to help you understand the UWSA, UW, your workplace, and coworkers.

To change your email preferences, click "update your preferences" at the bottom of any newsletter or other email sent from us through Mailchimp.

Need to subscribe?

If you've previously unsubscribed from our newsletter but would like to rejoin, or haven't been getting our emails but think you should, please contact us.