Letter of Patent

The University of Waterloo Staff Association (UWSA) Letter of Patent (PDF) established the UWSA as a corporation and its "objects" (purpose) in 1973. 


The UWSA By-law defines UWSA membership, the board committee structure, elections, annual general meetings, committees of the UWSA, and other rules and procedures for how the association operates.

Memorandum of Agreement

The University of Waterloo Staff Association (UWSA) Board signed new a Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) with the University of Waterloo in October 2022. This document formally recognizes the current relationship between the two organizations and provides both staff and administration with a common point of reference about our terms of employment.

We encourage you to review the Memorandum of Agreement so you know what it covers and what your rights are as an employee. Many related issues are covered in various University policies, rather than in the MoA. Please contact us if you have any questions!

Board policies & guidelines

The UWSA Board of Directors has approved the following policies to guide the Board's operational practice.

University policies

We also encourage you to be familiar with University policies affecting staff, and can help you interpret them. Some key policies are:

See all University policies and guidelines.