Staff Enhancement Grant Committee

The Staff Enhancement Grant (SEG) committee reviews SEG applications and allocates funding according to SEG guidelines.

Terms of Reference

1. Purpose

The purpose of the Staff Enhancement Grant Committee is to allocate Staff Enhancement Grant (SEG) funding.

2. Mandate

The Committee will:

  • communicate calls for SEG funding applications;
  • amend SEG Fund Guidelines as needed;
  • review grant applications; and
  • allocate funding to grant applications that are in alignment with the SEG Fund Guidelines, up to the yearly budgeted amount.

3. Reporting relationships

The SEG Committee reports through its chair to the UWSA president. The committee will provide a brief report by September each year on its activity over the previous fiscal year (ending April 30) for inclusion in the annual report to the membership.

4. Membership

The SEG Committee consists of:

  • UWSA Membership and Volunteer Coordinator, ex officio
  • UWSA Staff Advocacy Officer, ex officio
  • UWSA President, ex officio
  • UWSA President-elect, ex officio
  • UWSA Past President, ex officio

5. Chair

The UWSA Membership and Volunteer Coordinator will serve as chair.

6. Records

The committee will assign a recording secretary from its membership.

Minutes will be circulated to committee members and to the UWSA Communications Officer by the recording secretary. The UWSA Operations Team will be responsible for maintaining committee records.

7. Meetings

The committee will meet as needed to fulfill its mandate, at least twice a year.

A quorum will be four voting members.

8. Appointment

All members are ex officio.

Last upated August 13, 2024

Committee chair

Carly Richardson, UWSA membership and volunteer coordinator

Committee members

Gail Spencer, staff advocacy officer
Lisa Habel, president
Alyssa Kuron, president-elect
Yessenia Guerrero, past president