Keeping members informed is incredibly important to us. Through regular emails, our website, Area Representatives meetings, town halls, and more, we strive to give you the information you need about your workplace and help you understand changes that affect you.
Keep reading to learn about the emails we send members and how to customize the ones you receive. Explore the rest of our website for recent updates and upcoming events.
If you have questions or suggestions, please drop us a note in our Suggestion Box or send us an email.
Monthly president's reports and Area Representatives meetings
The UWSA president reports to the Area Representatives Council every month. One of these meetings each term is open for any member to attend, but your representative can update you on the information shared at every meeting.
President's reports are also posted on our website, highlighted in our newsletter, and often emailed to members.
–UWSA member, 2024 member survey

Annual reports
Every October, in advance of our annual meeting, we share reports from all of our UWSA committees and the appointed staff representatives on UW committees. These reports are available in our members-only Confluence space (UW login required).
Starting in 2024, we also released a comprehensive public report summarizing our work over the past year, the results of our membership survey, and what we have planned for the year ahead.
Emails and newsletters
We keep members informed about changes and events on campus through monthly newsletters, as well as other important emails about our work on your behalf and about opportunities for you to participate, such as elections and general meetings.
You can change your preferences to choose which non-essential emails you want to receive from us.
If you've previously unsubscribed from our newsletter but would like to rejoin, or haven't been getting our emails but think you should, please contact us.
According to our member survey, familiarity with our newsletters is correlated with feeling empowered at work!
–UWSA member, 2024 member survey
Department visits
The UWSA has a touring presentation about how our work impacts your daily life that we can bring to departments. In it, we explain things like:
- What does the UWSA do?
- What can the UWSA do for you?
- How is your money spent?
- How important is the UWSA to UW?
- What opportunities for staff are available with the UWSA?
You can invite us to present at a staff meeting, department meeting, executive meeting, or a special meeting just for us. This presentation is designed for a wide audience, including non-members.
If you are interested, please contact Carly Richardson.