Use this form to: put your name forward for a University of Waterloo committee apply to join a University of Waterloo Staff Association committee sign up to represent your colleagues as an Area Representative Tell us about you First name Last name Your deparment/unit Your deparment/unit - Select -ANCILLARY UNITSCampus HousingFood ServicesPrint and Retail SolutionsAFFILIATED ORGANIZATIONSFaculty AssociationGraduate Student AssociationStaff AssociationWaterloo Undergraduate Student AssociationACADEMIC SUPPORT UNITSAdvancementAP Human ResourcesAP StudentsAthletics & RecreationAVP Academic ProgramsAVP Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Anti-racismCampus WellnessCEE - Centre for Career DevelopmentCEE - Co-operative and Experiential EducationCEE - Work-Integrated Learning ProgramsCEE - Work-Learn InstituteCentre for Extended LearningCentre for Teaching ExcellenceCommercialization and EntrepreneurshipConflict Management and Human Rights OfficeFacilitiesFinanceGraduate Studies and Postdoctoral AffairsIndigenous RelationsInstitutional Analysis and PlanningIntegrated Planning and BudgetingISTIST - Project Management OfficeLibraryNanoFabricationOffice of ResearchOffice of the PresidentOffice of the RegistrarOrganizational and Human DevelopmentProvost's OfficeSafety OfficeSecretariatSpecial Constable ServicesSSO - AccessAbilityStudent Success OfficeSustainability OfficeUniversity RelationsVelocityVice President - Administration and FinanceWaterloo InternationalWatSPEEDWriting and Communication CentreFACULTIES, DEPARTMENTS, AND SCHOOLSAnthropologyApplied MathematicsArts Dean's OfficeBiologyCentre for Education in Mathematics and ComputingChemical EngineeringChemistryCivil and Environmental EngineeringClassical StudiesCombinatorics and OptimizationCommunication ArtsComputer ScienceConrad School of Entrepreneurship and BusinessEarth and Environmental ScienceEconomicsElectrical and Computer EngineeringEngineering Dean's OfficeEnglish Language and LiteratureEnvironment Dean's OfficeFaculty of HealthFine ArtsFrench StudiesGeographyGermanic and Slavic StudiesHistoryKinesiology and Health SciencesKnowledge IntegrationManagement SciencesMath Dean's OfficeMath Undergrad OfficeMechanical and Mechatronics EngineeringPharmacyPhilosophyPhysics and AstronomyPolitical SciencePsychologyPure MathematicsRecreation and Leisure StudiesReligious StudiesSchool of Accounting and FinanceSchool of ArchitectureSchool of Environment, Enterprise and DevelopmentSchool of Optometry and Vision ScienceSchool of PlanningSchool of Public Health SciencesScience Dean's OfficeSociology and Legal StudiesSpanish and Latin American StudiesStatistics and Actuarial ScienceStratford School of Interaction Design and BusinessSystems Design EngineeringRESEARCH CENTRES & INSTITUTESCentre for Bioengineering and BiotechnologyCybersecurity and Privacy InstituteGames InstituteInstitute for Quantum ComputingWater InstituteWaterloo Climate InstituteWaterloo Institute for NanotechnologyWaterloo Institute for Sustainable AeronauticsWaterloo Institute for Sustainable EnergyOTHER OTHER Your job title/role Years working at UW Email Web link Provide a link to your LinkedIn profile or a personal web page. Application Application questions will appear once you select a committee. Committee name Please select the committee from the list below. If you don't see the committee name, choose "other" and enter it in the field. - Select -UWSA Appointments CommitteeUWSA Area Representatives CommitteeUWSA Chief Returning OfficerUWSA Contract Staff Working GroupUWSA Fundraising and Social CommitteeUWSA Staff Excellence Fund CommitteeUWSA Staff Enhancement Grant CommitteeUW Accessibility CommitteeUW Appeal Committee on Property InfractionsUW Dispute Resolution PoolUW Employee and Family Assistance ProgramJoint Health and Safety CommitteeUW Pension and Benefits CommitteeStaff Relations Committee (member-at-large) Executive committee Indicate the name of the executive search or nominating committee. E.g., Dean of Arts, VP Research. Location Select your campus location. - Select -Main campusArchitecture campusHealth Services campusStratford Application instructions: Please read before proceeding. The information that you provide is a key factor in the final selection of the staff representative. The selection committee will gain a better understanding of your qualifications and suitability for the committee work if the information provided is robust. Here are some tips: Read and understand the Terms of Reference for the committee. Answer all questions thoroughly; provide relevant examples of your skills and experience. Tailor your answers to the position you are seeking. Always check spelling and grammar. If you are selected for the position, your application will be kept in the UWSA Office for the duration of your term on the committee. Why would you like to serve on the committee? What skills do you have that are relevant to this committee? Experience Waterloo committee experience If you have served on any committees (or project teams, task forces, or working groups) while working at Waterloo, please describe your involvement (committee name, role on committee, years of service, etc.). Other experience Is there any other information or experience you would like the committee to consider? You can share any information you think might be relevant, such as lived experience, volunteer work, trainings, or professional or academic expertise. Additional files One file only.2 MB limit.Allowed types: gif, jpg, jpeg, png, bmp, eps, tif, pict, psd, txt, rtf, html, pdf, doc, docx, odt, ppt, pptx, odp, xls, xlsx, ods, xml. Area Representatives Committee What area are you looking to represent? Your “area” might be your department or unit, a group of related departments/units, or a subset of a department/unit. Staff in an area should have regular contact and shared working conditions. If an appropriate “area” is not represented in the list (e.g. a subset of a large department), or you would like to combine areas, please select "Other/Custom area" at the end of the list. What area are you looking to represent? - Select -ANCILLARY UNITSCampus HousingFood ServicesPrint and Retail SolutionsAFFILIATED ORGANIZATIONSFaculty AssociationGraduate Student AssociationStaff AssociationWaterloo Undergraduate Student AssociationACADEMIC SUPPORT UNITSAdvancementAP Human ResourcesAP StudentsAthletics & RecreationAVP Academic ProgramsAVP Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Anti-racismCampus WellnessCEE - Centre for Career DevelopmentCEE - Co-operative and Experiential EducationCEE - Work-Integrated Learning ProgramsCEE - Work-Learn InstituteCentre for Extended LearningCentre for Teaching ExcellenceCommercialization and EntrepreneurshipConflict Management and Human Rights OfficeFacilitiesFinanceGraduate Studies and Postdoctoral AffairsIndigenous RelationsInstitutional Analysis and PlanningIntegrated Planning and BudgetingISTIST - Project Management OfficeLibraryNanoFabricationOffice of ResearchOffice of the PresidentOffice of the RegistrarOrganizational and Human DevelopmentProvost's OfficeSafety OfficeSecretariatSpecial Constable ServicesSSO - AccessAbilityStudent Success OfficeSustainability OfficeUniversity RelationsVelocityVice President - Administration and FinanceWaterloo InternationalWatSPEEDWriting and Communication CentreFACULTIES, DEPARTMENTS, AND SCHOOLSAnthropologyApplied MathematicsArts Dean's OfficeBiologyCentre for Education in Mathematics and ComputingChemical EngineeringChemistryCivil and Environmental EngineeringClassical StudiesCombinatorics and OptimizationCommunication ArtsComputer ScienceConrad School of Entrepreneurship and BusinessEarth and Environmental ScienceEconomicsElectrical and Computer EngineeringEngineering Dean's OfficeEnglish Language and LiteratureEnvironment Dean's OfficeFaculty of HealthFine ArtsFrench StudiesGeographyGermanic and Slavic StudiesHistoryKinesiology and Health SciencesKnowledge IntegrationManagement SciencesMath Dean's OfficeMath Undergrad OfficeMechanical and Mechatronics EngineeringPharmacyPhilosophyPhysics and AstronomyPolitical SciencePsychologyPure MathematicsRecreation and Leisure StudiesReligious StudiesSchool of Accounting and FinanceSchool of ArchitectureSchool of Environment, Enterprise and DevelopmentSchool of Optometry and Vision ScienceSchool of PlanningSchool of Public Health SciencesScience Dean's OfficeSociology and Legal StudiesSpanish and Latin American StudiesStatistics and Actuarial ScienceStratford School of Interaction Design and BusinessSystems Design EngineeringRESEARCH CENTRES & INSTITUTESCentre for Bioengineering and BiotechnologyCybersecurity and Privacy InstituteGames InstituteInstitute for Quantum ComputingWater InstituteWaterloo Climate InstituteWaterloo Institute for NanotechnologyWaterloo Institute for Sustainable AeronauticsWaterloo Institute for Sustainable EnergyOther/Custom area Other/Custom area Approximate number of staff in your area To the best of your knowledge, select one of the following ranges. - Select -Less than 56-1011-1516-2021+I am not sure If you are in a small area (fewer than 10 staff), what other areas could most practically be combined with your area? Thanks for joining the Council! Good news! Your application to the UWSA Area Reps Council will be automatically approved, pending confirmation of your UWSA membership status. Note that your role as an Area Rep will be posted on the Area Reps section of the UWSA website. By submitting this form, you acknowledge that you agree to your responsibilities as outlined in the Area Reps Terms of Reference, including: Committing to a term of at least two years. Becoming familiar with UWSA governing documents and services. Introducing yourself to colleagues as their Area Representative. Attending monthly Area Reps meetings and participating in discussions. Communicating important information to all Waterloo staff or just to members as appropriate. Thanks for joining the Fundraising and Social Committee! Good news! The UWSA Fundraising and Social Committee is an informal committee and your application will be automatically approved, pending confirmation of your UWSA membership status. How did you hear about this role? Please tell us how you heard about the committee. This information will help us determine which communication channels work best. Co-worker Daily Bulletin Email call for nominations/volunteers Facebook LinkedIn Twitter UWSA employee or board member Website Other... Enter other… Please feel free to share any other comments Leave this field blank
Use this form to: put your name forward for a University of Waterloo committee apply to join a University of Waterloo Staff Association committee sign up to represent your colleagues as an Area Representative Tell us about you First name Last name Your deparment/unit Your deparment/unit - Select -ANCILLARY UNITSCampus HousingFood ServicesPrint and Retail SolutionsAFFILIATED ORGANIZATIONSFaculty AssociationGraduate Student AssociationStaff AssociationWaterloo Undergraduate Student AssociationACADEMIC SUPPORT UNITSAdvancementAP Human ResourcesAP StudentsAthletics & RecreationAVP Academic ProgramsAVP Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Anti-racismCampus WellnessCEE - Centre for Career DevelopmentCEE - Co-operative and Experiential EducationCEE - Work-Integrated Learning ProgramsCEE - Work-Learn InstituteCentre for Extended LearningCentre for Teaching ExcellenceCommercialization and EntrepreneurshipConflict Management and Human Rights OfficeFacilitiesFinanceGraduate Studies and Postdoctoral AffairsIndigenous RelationsInstitutional Analysis and PlanningIntegrated Planning and BudgetingISTIST - Project Management OfficeLibraryNanoFabricationOffice of ResearchOffice of the PresidentOffice of the RegistrarOrganizational and Human DevelopmentProvost's OfficeSafety OfficeSecretariatSpecial Constable ServicesSSO - AccessAbilityStudent Success OfficeSustainability OfficeUniversity RelationsVelocityVice President - Administration and FinanceWaterloo InternationalWatSPEEDWriting and Communication CentreFACULTIES, DEPARTMENTS, AND SCHOOLSAnthropologyApplied MathematicsArts Dean's OfficeBiologyCentre for Education in Mathematics and ComputingChemical EngineeringChemistryCivil and Environmental EngineeringClassical StudiesCombinatorics and OptimizationCommunication ArtsComputer ScienceConrad School of Entrepreneurship and BusinessEarth and Environmental ScienceEconomicsElectrical and Computer EngineeringEngineering Dean's OfficeEnglish Language and LiteratureEnvironment Dean's OfficeFaculty of HealthFine ArtsFrench StudiesGeographyGermanic and Slavic StudiesHistoryKinesiology and Health SciencesKnowledge IntegrationManagement SciencesMath Dean's OfficeMath Undergrad OfficeMechanical and Mechatronics EngineeringPharmacyPhilosophyPhysics and AstronomyPolitical SciencePsychologyPure MathematicsRecreation and Leisure StudiesReligious StudiesSchool of Accounting and FinanceSchool of ArchitectureSchool of Environment, Enterprise and DevelopmentSchool of Optometry and Vision ScienceSchool of PlanningSchool of Public Health SciencesScience Dean's OfficeSociology and Legal StudiesSpanish and Latin American StudiesStatistics and Actuarial ScienceStratford School of Interaction Design and BusinessSystems Design EngineeringRESEARCH CENTRES & INSTITUTESCentre for Bioengineering and BiotechnologyCybersecurity and Privacy InstituteGames InstituteInstitute for Quantum ComputingWater InstituteWaterloo Climate InstituteWaterloo Institute for NanotechnologyWaterloo Institute for Sustainable AeronauticsWaterloo Institute for Sustainable EnergyOTHER OTHER Your job title/role Years working at UW Email Web link Provide a link to your LinkedIn profile or a personal web page. Application Application questions will appear once you select a committee. Committee name Please select the committee from the list below. If you don't see the committee name, choose "other" and enter it in the field. - Select -UWSA Appointments CommitteeUWSA Area Representatives CommitteeUWSA Chief Returning OfficerUWSA Contract Staff Working GroupUWSA Fundraising and Social CommitteeUWSA Staff Excellence Fund CommitteeUWSA Staff Enhancement Grant CommitteeUW Accessibility CommitteeUW Appeal Committee on Property InfractionsUW Dispute Resolution PoolUW Employee and Family Assistance ProgramJoint Health and Safety CommitteeUW Pension and Benefits CommitteeStaff Relations Committee (member-at-large) Executive committee Indicate the name of the executive search or nominating committee. E.g., Dean of Arts, VP Research. Location Select your campus location. - Select -Main campusArchitecture campusHealth Services campusStratford Application instructions: Please read before proceeding. The information that you provide is a key factor in the final selection of the staff representative. The selection committee will gain a better understanding of your qualifications and suitability for the committee work if the information provided is robust. Here are some tips: Read and understand the Terms of Reference for the committee. Answer all questions thoroughly; provide relevant examples of your skills and experience. Tailor your answers to the position you are seeking. Always check spelling and grammar. If you are selected for the position, your application will be kept in the UWSA Office for the duration of your term on the committee. Why would you like to serve on the committee? What skills do you have that are relevant to this committee? Experience Waterloo committee experience If you have served on any committees (or project teams, task forces, or working groups) while working at Waterloo, please describe your involvement (committee name, role on committee, years of service, etc.). Other experience Is there any other information or experience you would like the committee to consider? You can share any information you think might be relevant, such as lived experience, volunteer work, trainings, or professional or academic expertise. Additional files One file only.2 MB limit.Allowed types: gif, jpg, jpeg, png, bmp, eps, tif, pict, psd, txt, rtf, html, pdf, doc, docx, odt, ppt, pptx, odp, xls, xlsx, ods, xml. Area Representatives Committee What area are you looking to represent? Your “area” might be your department or unit, a group of related departments/units, or a subset of a department/unit. Staff in an area should have regular contact and shared working conditions. If an appropriate “area” is not represented in the list (e.g. a subset of a large department), or you would like to combine areas, please select "Other/Custom area" at the end of the list. What area are you looking to represent? - Select -ANCILLARY UNITSCampus HousingFood ServicesPrint and Retail SolutionsAFFILIATED ORGANIZATIONSFaculty AssociationGraduate Student AssociationStaff AssociationWaterloo Undergraduate Student AssociationACADEMIC SUPPORT UNITSAdvancementAP Human ResourcesAP StudentsAthletics & RecreationAVP Academic ProgramsAVP Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Anti-racismCampus WellnessCEE - Centre for Career DevelopmentCEE - Co-operative and Experiential EducationCEE - Work-Integrated Learning ProgramsCEE - Work-Learn InstituteCentre for Extended LearningCentre for Teaching ExcellenceCommercialization and EntrepreneurshipConflict Management and Human Rights OfficeFacilitiesFinanceGraduate Studies and Postdoctoral AffairsIndigenous RelationsInstitutional Analysis and PlanningIntegrated Planning and BudgetingISTIST - Project Management OfficeLibraryNanoFabricationOffice of ResearchOffice of the PresidentOffice of the RegistrarOrganizational and Human DevelopmentProvost's OfficeSafety OfficeSecretariatSpecial Constable ServicesSSO - AccessAbilityStudent Success OfficeSustainability OfficeUniversity RelationsVelocityVice President - Administration and FinanceWaterloo InternationalWatSPEEDWriting and Communication CentreFACULTIES, DEPARTMENTS, AND SCHOOLSAnthropologyApplied MathematicsArts Dean's OfficeBiologyCentre for Education in Mathematics and ComputingChemical EngineeringChemistryCivil and Environmental EngineeringClassical StudiesCombinatorics and OptimizationCommunication ArtsComputer ScienceConrad School of Entrepreneurship and BusinessEarth and Environmental ScienceEconomicsElectrical and Computer EngineeringEngineering Dean's OfficeEnglish Language and LiteratureEnvironment Dean's OfficeFaculty of HealthFine ArtsFrench StudiesGeographyGermanic and Slavic StudiesHistoryKinesiology and Health SciencesKnowledge IntegrationManagement SciencesMath Dean's OfficeMath Undergrad OfficeMechanical and Mechatronics EngineeringPharmacyPhilosophyPhysics and AstronomyPolitical SciencePsychologyPure MathematicsRecreation and Leisure StudiesReligious StudiesSchool of Accounting and FinanceSchool of ArchitectureSchool of Environment, Enterprise and DevelopmentSchool of Optometry and Vision ScienceSchool of PlanningSchool of Public Health SciencesScience Dean's OfficeSociology and Legal StudiesSpanish and Latin American StudiesStatistics and Actuarial ScienceStratford School of Interaction Design and BusinessSystems Design EngineeringRESEARCH CENTRES & INSTITUTESCentre for Bioengineering and BiotechnologyCybersecurity and Privacy InstituteGames InstituteInstitute for Quantum ComputingWater InstituteWaterloo Climate InstituteWaterloo Institute for NanotechnologyWaterloo Institute for Sustainable AeronauticsWaterloo Institute for Sustainable EnergyOther/Custom area Other/Custom area Approximate number of staff in your area To the best of your knowledge, select one of the following ranges. - Select -Less than 56-1011-1516-2021+I am not sure If you are in a small area (fewer than 10 staff), what other areas could most practically be combined with your area? Thanks for joining the Council! Good news! Your application to the UWSA Area Reps Council will be automatically approved, pending confirmation of your UWSA membership status. Note that your role as an Area Rep will be posted on the Area Reps section of the UWSA website. By submitting this form, you acknowledge that you agree to your responsibilities as outlined in the Area Reps Terms of Reference, including: Committing to a term of at least two years. Becoming familiar with UWSA governing documents and services. Introducing yourself to colleagues as their Area Representative. Attending monthly Area Reps meetings and participating in discussions. Communicating important information to all Waterloo staff or just to members as appropriate. Thanks for joining the Fundraising and Social Committee! Good news! The UWSA Fundraising and Social Committee is an informal committee and your application will be automatically approved, pending confirmation of your UWSA membership status. How did you hear about this role? Please tell us how you heard about the committee. This information will help us determine which communication channels work best. Co-worker Daily Bulletin Email call for nominations/volunteers Facebook LinkedIn Twitter UWSA employee or board member Website Other... Enter other… Please feel free to share any other comments Leave this field blank