President's response Freedom of Expression Task Force Report

From Vivek Goel President and Vice-Chancellor and James Rush Vice-President, Academic and Provost

June 19, 2024

Last November, the Freedom of Expression and Respectful Engagement Task Force was created to review existing institutional policies and practices relating to freedom of expression. The Task Force was also mandated to develop principles of freedom of expression for the University of Waterloo to help ensure the University maintains a campus environment for open inquiry and exchange, free expression, and inclusive engagement.  Recent campus and global events have underscored the importance of building and sustaining such a campus environment and we recognize the need to renew our collective commitment to freedom of expression and inclusive engagement.  

We are pleased to accept the Task Force Report on Freedom of Expression and Inclusive Engagement submitted to our offices on June 11, 2024. The Report has been prepared by the eleven members constituting the Task Force including co-Chairs Scott Kline and Christine McWebb. We are indebted to the Task Force for its targeted research, broad consultations, thorough deliberation, and for a very comprehensive Report.  


The Report documents 24 general principles to advance and guide the review and development of policies, guidelines, and processes essential to enabling a campus environment that fosters freedom of expression and inclusive engagement. The Report also presents 16 recommendations for the University Community to consider in its ongoing work to uphold freedom of expression and inclusive engagement.  

In the coming weeks, we will develop and post an implementation plan, and will communicate regular progress updates.

As the Report notes, the work to be undertaken by the University Community will take days, months, and years. We are encouraged by the principles and recommendations in the Report as they provide a suitable guiding framework for work ahead. It is through such work, in line with our collegial governance processes, that the University can be assured of outcomes that support the ongoing and sustainable development of our institution, our campus, and the culture we aspire to build for all in our community. 

The Report’s guiding principles and recommendations will be critical in informing the two Task Forces announced earlier this week: the Task Force on Social Responsibility in Investing and the Task Force on Principles for Institutional Partnerships. The identification, deliberation, work, and outputs of these two new Task Forces and the broader actions in the implementation plan will require expertise, effort, time, and patience. 

Once again, we are thankful for and inspired by the thoughtfulness and detail of the Task Force and its Report. We look forward to continuing this important work together. 

Vivek Goel
President and Vice-Chancellor
Office of the President

James Rush
Vice-President, Academic and Provost
Office of the Vice-President, Academic and Provost