Li, Chen
About Lily
"I am a 1st year Ph.D. candidate. I love hiking, reading, photography and cooking!"
Research Project
Functional Hybrid Organic-inorganic Nanocomposites for Water Treatment
Considering the high specific surface area, excellent mechanical strength and good biocompatability of cellulose nanocrystals, I'm interested in combining this promising material with various inorganic species. The quantity of charges, the reactive surface and the mechanical strength of CNC make it a promising substrate material for this purpose. It not only helps to control the size and the homogenous dispersion of inorganic particles, but also avoid the aggregation. The obtained hybrid material is believed to exhibit enhanced chemical stability, large specific surface area and good mechanical strength.

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It is expected that the hybrid organic-inorganic nanocomposites of CNC will show novel and multifunctional properties that holds a promising future in water treatment. Wherein, several critical issues are currently dealt with, including
- Size control
- Aggregation
- Homogenous dispersion
- Stability
- Application
- Scale-up
- ……
L Chen, X Kong, D Yan, M Wei, X Duan. Fabrication of Acid Violet 34/nickel hydroxide ultrathin film and its electrocatalytic performance for glucose. Electroanalysis 2012, 24, 1192-1200.
D Yan, S Qin, L Chen, J Lu, J Ma, M Wei, D. G.Evans, X Duan. Thin film of sulfonated zinc phthalocyanine/layered double hydroxidefor achieving multiple quantum well structure and polarized luminescence. Chem. Commun., 2010, 46, 8654-8656;
D Yan, J Lu, L Chen, S Qin, J Ma, M Wei, D. G. Evans, X Duan. A strategy to the ordered assembly of functional small cations with layered double hydroxides for luminescent ultra-thin films. Chem. Commun., 2010, 46, 5912-5914;
D Yan, J Lu, J Ma, M Wei, S Qin, L Chen, D. G. Evans, X Duan. Thin film of coumarin-3-carboxylate and surfactant co-intercalated layered double hydroxide with polarized photoluminescence: a joint experimental and molecular dynamics study. J. Mater. Chem., 2010, 20, 5016-5024;
D Yan, J Lu, M Wei, S Qin, L Chen, S Zhang, D. G. Evans, X Duan. Heterogeneous transparent ultrathin films with tunable-color luminescence based on the assembly of photoactive organic molecules and layered double hydroxides. Adv. Funct. Mater., 2011, 21, 2497-2505.