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Michael Tam

Professor and University Research Chair
Michael Tam
519-888-4567 x38339
Location: QNC 5617

BEng (Hons), PhD, (Monash), PEng.

Shi Zengqian

 Shi Zengqian

Ph.D. Material Science Jiao Tong University
M.Sc. Polymer Chemistry & Physics Hebei University

Yibo Liu

Research Assistant
Yibo Liu

M.Sc. Chemistry, Univ. of Waterloo

Current Research: Fast dry latex system
Surface modification and functionalization of cellulose nanocrystals for biomedical applications

Tang, Reynard

Ph.D. Candidate
Reynard Tang

B.Eng. East China University of Sci. & Tech.

Current Research: Modification and functionlization of Nanocrystalline Cellulose(NCC) and its application in antimicrobial field

Wu, Debbie

Ph.D. Candidate
Debbie Wu

M.Sc. Queen's University
B.Sc. University of Sci. & Tech. of China

Current Research: Conductive cellulose nanocrystal and its applications

Mohammed, Nishil

Ph.D. Candidate
Nishil Mohammed

M.Tech Nanotechnology - Amrita Centre for Nanosciences and Molecular Medicine, India

Current Research: Development of Hybrid Nanocrystalline Cellulose Delivery Systems for the Controlled Release of Biomolecules

Zhang, Flora

M.A.Sc. Candidate
Flora Zhang

B.Eng. (Biomedical Eng) Southeast Univ.

Current Research: Development of Functionalized NCC for Personal Care Applications

Quinlan, Patrick

M.Sc. Candidate
Patrick Quinlan

B.Sc. Chemical Engineering, Univ. of Waterloo

Current Research: Removal of acid extractable organic compounds from spent process water

Li, Chen

Ph.D. Candidate
Chen Li

M.Eng. Beijing University of Chemical Technology

Current Research: Development of inorganic hybrid nanocrystalline cellulose systems

Alqurashi, Gadeer

M.A.Sc. Candidate
Camera shy face photo holder

B.Sc. Umm Al-Qura University, Saudi Arabia

Zhou, Xinyao(Hannah)

Ph.D. Candidate
Xinyao Zhou

M.Eng. Beijing University of Chemical Technology

Current Research: Fast dry latex; pH-Responsive Magnetic Nanoparticles For Reversible Adsorption and Desorption of Methylene Blue (MB)

Li, Min

M.Sc. Candidate
Min Li

B.Sc. Suchou University

Current Research: Surface Modification of NCC for Biomedical Applications

Wang, Luya

M.Sc. Candidate
Luya Wang

Current Research: High performance Fast-Drying Paint for Industry

Song, Yang

M.Sc. Candidate
Yang Song

B.Sc. The China Univ. of Mining & Tech.

Current Research: The modification and functionalization of CNC

Wang, Hairong

Visiting Scholar
Hairong Wang

Ph.D Candidate Suchou University

Current Research: pH-sensitive drug delivery and release system

