Wang, Luya
M.Sc. Candidate
About Luya
"I am a 1st year M.Sc. candidate. I love painting and hiking!"
Research Project
High performance Fast-Drying Paint for Industry
Traditionally, there are two types of traffic paints: solvent-based and waterborne.
* Solvent based: Often contain VOC, and is hazardous to handle, but dries faster
* Due to regulations by government, waterborne paints are in high demand

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Requirements for Waterborne Paints
*Must dry quickly enough to avoid being smeared immediately after application
* Good durability: must stay on the road!
* Have retro-reflectivity, so that the lines are visible at night
- Size control
- Aggregation
- Homogenous dispersion
- Stability
- Application
- Scale-up
- ……