Benyuan Wang

M.A.Sc. Candidate in Systems Design Engineering
Benyuan Wang

Office: EV1-345

Research Interests

With the development of machine learning and artificial intelligence, autonomous driving has become a hot research topic. Autonomous driving is beneficial to society, drivers and pedestrians. The incidence of traffic accidents in self driving cars can almost drop to zero. Even if the traffic accidents happen in other cities, the rapid growth of the market share of autopilot will reduce the overall traffic accident rate. The driving mode of autopilot can be more energy efficient, so traffic congestion and air pollution will be reduced. Therefore, I would like to work in the area of autonomous driving and mobile laser scanning, and use data analysis and deep learning algorithms to build effective autonomous driving systems.


  • B.Eng., Information Engineering, Xian Jiaotong University, Xian, China, August 2016 June 2020