Banting Postdoctoral Fellowship timeline

Please note: Information and dates may be revised depending on further information from the agency and resources available. 

April 2024: 

April – June 3, 2024: 

  • Interested applicants wishing to apply through the University of Waterloo must follow Steps 1-3 on Waterloo’s Banting web page. 
  • Confirm eligibility 
  • Complete the Banting Fellowship Letter of Intent (LOI) form, if applicable. 
  • Receive endorsement to apply from Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs (GSPA) 

June 3, 2024: 

  • Recommended deadline by which proposed host supervisors submit Banting endorsement form to confirm support of applicant. 

June 3 (or earlier) – June 26, 2024: 

  • Prospective applicants, who received confirmation from Heidi Mussar to proceed with continuing the application process, follow Steps 4-8 in the application process as outlined on Waterloo’s Banting webpage
  • Create a ResearchNet and a Canadian Common CV account 
  • Select and contact referees 
  • Fulfillment of degree requirements form 
  • Refer to the application guide 
  • Submit pdf copy of completed application to GSPA 

June 26, 2024 @ 12:00 p.m. EDT*: 

  • Firm deadline by which applicants are required to e-mail a pdf of their application materials to Heidi Mussar in GSPA. 
  • Firm deadline by which electronic letters of assessments from referees must be submitted to Heidi Mussar in GSPA (refer to Step 5 of the critical steps on Waterloo’s Banting webpage). 

*Under no circumstances will late applications after Waterloo's deadline of June 26 be considered. 

July 10, 2024: 

  • GSPA makes applications available for review by institutional selection committee. 

July 24, 2024: 

  • Institutional selection committee members provide ratings for each of their assigned applications to GSPA. 

July 24 – 31, 2024: 

  • Chair of institutional selection committee assesses ratings of applications. 

July 31, 2024: 

  • Institutional selection committee meeting to finalize shortlist of candidates, focusing on strength of research proposal, synergy between candidate and host supervisor and alignment with institutional strategic priorities. 

August 1 – 15, 2024: 

  • Decisions relayed to candidates not proceeding in competitions. 
  • Feedback provided to shortlisted candidates. 
  • Shortlisted candidates and proposed host supervisors revise application material based on feedback received. 

August 15, 2024: 

  • Deadline for shortlisted applicants to submit revised application material to GSPA. 
  • Deadline for proposed host supervisors to submit their supervisor’s statement to GSPA. 

August 21, 2024: 

  • Re-submitted applications made available to institutional selection committee for final decisions. 

August 28, 2024: 

  • Institutional selection committee meeting to finalize endorsed candidates. 

August 28 – September 13, 2024: 

  • GSPA and Faculty Associate Deans communicate with endorsed applicants and supervisors to fine-tune applications and institutional letters. 
  • GSPA provides applicants with institutional letter of endorsement and finalized supervisor’s statement for them to upload to their application. 
  • GSPA sends communication to non-recommended applicants and proposed supervisors. 

September 17, 2024 @ 8:00 p.m. EDT: 

  • Deadline by which all endorsed applicants are required to submit completed Banting application electronically via ResearchNet

October - December 2024: 

  • Banting PDF selection board evaluates applications. 

Mid-February 2025: 

  • Applicants informed of results directly by agency.  

Questions about any stage of this process can be sent to Heidi Mussar, in Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs. 

Return to the UWaterloo Banting Postdoctoral Fellowship website for more information about the competition process.  

Updated April 12, 2024