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Postdoc e-news submission request

Use this form to request all content that you want to be included in the Postdoc e-news. You may include multiple entries in the same form, as long as they have the same requested publication date. If you have content for multiple e-news issues, you will need to submit a separate form for each publication date. Some considerations to keep in mind:  

  • E-news submissions must be 250 characters or less and contain at least one hyperlink.  

  • Text and hyperlinks should be included in the separate form fields below. GSPA will determine where to include the hyperlink in your submission.  

  • Include the date at the beginning of your entry (i.e. "June 7: Discover our foolproof technique for organizing and structuring a lesson plan at Effective Lesson Plans.")

  • Hyperlinks should lead to a meaningful landing place with additional information or context (e.g. link to an event page, rather than to login pages for WaterlooWorks or Portal). 

  • If you are submitting an event or workshop, you must provide a description of the event, along with the event title, in the entry field. 

  • Show how your event, workshop, or opportunity relates to postdocs (i.e. how can they benefit, or what will they take away?)

For examples of previous e-news submissions, visit the archive page. If you have any questions about the submission process or your specific submission, please contact

Information and privacy: questions regarding the collection of information on this form can be directed to the form administrator.

Contact information
Which campus area are you from? * (required)
Submission information
Under which e-news heading would you like your submission to appear? * (required)
Publication request date * (required)