NVivo software licensing updates

Tuesday, December 20, 2022

What is happening? IST has procured a limited number of NVivo licenses. This software is available upon request to University of Waterloo faculty, staff, graduate and undergraduate at no additional cost, for learning, teaching, or research purposes. NVivo will no longer be available on the IST Webstore for purchase.

When is this happening? Tuesday, December 20th, 2022

What do users need to do? To obtain an NVivo license and learn how to install/access NVivo, see the NVivo Knowledge Base article.

Note: Undergraduate students are required to provide a rational for their use of NVivo and their license will expire at the start of the following term. If they continue to require a license, they will need to submit a new request.

Additional information and resources

  • Each user assigned an NVivo license can activate NVivo on two devices.
  • See NVivo Knowledge Base article for additional information including installation and activation instructions, and other information.

Questions or concerns? Please contact any member of the Health Computing Office or email hlthcomputing@uwaterloo.ca.