Monday, October 23, 2023
What’s happening?
- IST has migrated all videos from Stream (Classic) to Stream (on SharePoint).
What do you need to do?
- Check your UW OneDrive account for videos in a ‘Stream Migrated Videos’ folder (at the top level of your OneDrive account – see screenshot below).
- If the folder does not exist or does not have any content, you do not need to do anything further
- If the folder exists and has content, review the video files:
- If they are no longer needed/relevant simply delete the files.
- If they are personal videos of limited use to others, you can keep the files there.
- If they are still needed, related to work and of longer-term or more widespread interest:
- Move them to appropriate Teams/SharePoint sites for sharing and longevity.
- If you have links to these videos posted anywhere, be sure to update them with links to the new file location as soon as possible.