Investing in the next generation of leaders

Friday, December 16, 2016
by John Haddock, president, University of Waterloo Alumni Council, BA '78

John Haddock
It is hard to believe when I graduated in 1978 that the University of Waterloo’s Department of Recreation and Leisure Studies, would critically intersect with my professional life 30 years later.

A decade ago, as CEO of the YMCA in Waterloo Region, community organizations were increasingly required to show they were making a difference in the lives of individuals and families. Coincidentally at this time, I was doing a guest lecture for Prof. Troy Glover in the Department of Recreation. Through Prof. Glover’s instruction and with support from graduate students, the YMCA was able to conduct reliable, outcome-measurement research. We used this research to gain support for philanthropic and foundation grants to advance the cause of the YMCA.

I continued to be involved with the Department of Recreation by donating my time. After receiving training and research support from faculty and students, I happily joined the Dean's Advisory Committee for Applied Health Sciences.

I was thrilled to be engaged in the fundraising initiative for the Department’s Founders Scholarship. These awards were created to honour their three founding educators: Professors David Ng, Chuck Griffiths and Jack Pearse.

All of these professors had a profound impact on my career development, as they taught their students how to respond to the needs of the community through recreation-based programs and services.

As my career evolved, I wanted to focus my professional energy on community services and continue volunteering my time, including at the University. Although I am only one person, I believe I can make a contribution to our future by investing in the next generation of leaders, created at Waterloo.

As an Alumni Council member, I am amazed that, although considered a young University, our graduates are worldwide. In the next 60 years, I envision active and engaged alumni groups in over 50 countries around the world, all who champion the value of our great University.