We are currently working with people from a diversity of sectors and disciplines to refine, operationalise, and test the principles in real-world applications – if this interests you, please contact Jen Boger at jboger@uwaterloo.ca to learn more and to participate.
Technology is becoming increasingly integrated with all aspects of human life, which has profound social, ethical, and political implications. As the pervasiveness, accessibility, and influence of technology and systems continues to accelerate, considering ethical issues related to their design, implementation, and use are becoming more pressing. This requires collaborative engagement in ethical product, systems, and service design in a way that can keep pace with rapidly changing technological capabilities, application areas, and resulting implications.
In response to this need, ITWIL and colleagues have established the Ethical by Design (EBD) manifesto. The aim of the manifesto is to promote the integration of actionable ethical principles into the design process by:
- Enabling people across disciplines, sectors, and levels of engagement to take part in the conversation and to make more informed choices, regardless of their familiarity with ethical guidelines, technology, or area of application; and
- Going beyond satisfying existing accepted ethical principles of autonomy, beneficence, non-maleficence, and justice in order to maximise ethical design and application.
The original paper can be read here: https://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?doid=3121283.3121300