Boger, J. ., Eisapour, M. ., Domenicucci, L. ., & Cao, S. . (2017). Design of Virtual Reality Exergame to Promote Upper-Body Movement for Older Adults with Dementia. 11th Conference on Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology Society of Korea (RESKO. Presented at the. Goyang, South Korea. (Original work published 2017)
Reference author: S Cao
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Eisapour, M. ., Cao, S. ., Domenicucci, L. ., & Boger, J. . (2018). Participatory Design of a Virtual Reality Exercise for People with Mild Cognitive Impairment. Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2018). Presented at the. Montreal, QC: ACM. Retrieved from
Eisapour, M. ., Cao, S. ., & Boger, J. . (2018). Game Design for Users with Constraint: Exergame for Older Adults with Cognitive Impairment. ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST). Presented at the. Berlin, Germany.
Muñoz, J. ., Mehrabi, S. ., Li, C. ., Basharat, A. ., Cao, S. ., Middleton, L. ., Barnett-Cowan, M. ., & Boger, J. . (2022). Immersive Virtual Reality Exergames for People Living with Dementia: Working Through a User-Centered Co-Creation Process as a Multi-Stakeholder Team During the COVID-19 Pandemic. JMIR Serious Games, 10.
Li, Y. ., Muñoz, J. ., Mehrabi, S. ., Middleton, L. ., Cao, S. ., & Boger, J. . (2020). Multidisciplinary Iterative Design of Exergames (MIDE): A Framework for Supporting the Design, Development, and Evaluation of Exergames for Health.. International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction. Presented at the. Copenhagen, Denmark. (Original work published 2020)
Eisapour, M. ., Cao, S. ., & Boger, J. . (2020). Participatory Design and Evaluation of Virtual Reality Games to Promote Engagement in Physical Activity for People Living with Dementia. Journal of Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology (RATE), 7.