Boger, J. ., Turcotte, N. ., Quraishi, M. ., & Dunal, L. . (2010). Assistive technologies used to support occupations by community-dwelling older adults with dementia and informal caregivers. International Society for Gerontechnology Conference. Presented at the. (Original work published 2010)
Reference keyword: caregiver
Chinaei, H. ., Boger, J. ., Jónasdóttir, S. ., Polgar, J. M., & Rudzicz, F. . (2016). Designing and building CARE-RATE: A cognitive computing system for caregivers. Montreal, ON. (Original work published 2016)
Boger, J. ., Rudzicz, F. ., Chinaei, H. ., Jónasdóttir, S. ., Wambua, M. ., & Polgar, J. M. (2017). CARE-RATE: Initial development of an artificially intelligent online tool for connecting caregivers to relevant support. Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology Society of North America (RESNA). Presented at the. New Orleans, LA. (Original work published 2017)
Doering, R. ., Polgar, J. M., Rudzicz, F. ., & Boger, J. . (2017). Designing CARE-RATE: An Online Assistive Tool for Dementia Caregivers. HCIxDementia: The Role of Technology and Design in Dementia Workshop. Presented at the. Denver, CO. (Original work published 2017)
Boger, J. ., Polgar, J. M., Rudzicz, F. ., & Jónasdóttir, S. . (2016). CARE-RATE: An artificially intelligent online resource for caregivers of persons with dementia. Montreal, ON. Retrieved from (Original work published 2016)
Polgar, J. M., Rudzicz, F. ., & Boger, J. . (2016). CARE-RATE: An online resource system for caregivers of persons with dementia. Nice, France. (Original work published 2016)