Hoey, J. ., von Bertoldi, A. ., Fenton, K. ., Boger, J. ., & Mihailidis, A. . (2007). Autonomous guidance of handwashing for people with dementia using a partially observable Markov decision process. Second International Conference on Technology and Aging. Presented at the. Toronto: ICTA. (Original work published 2007)
Reference keyword: dementia
Viswanathan, P. ., Boger, J. ., Hoey, J. ., & Mihailidis, A. . (2007). An Intelligent Powered Wheelchair to Enable Mobility of Cognitively Impaired Older Adults: An Anti-Collision System. Second International Conference on Technology and Aging. Presented at the. Toronto, ON. Retrieved from https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/4126540/ (Original work published 2007)
Mihailidis, A. ., Elinas, P. ., Boger, J. ., & Hoey, J. . (2007). An intelligent powered wheelchair to enable mobility of cognitively impaired older adults: An anticollision system. IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, 15. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1109/TNSRE.2007.891385 (Original work published 2007)
Li, Z. ., Boger, J. ., & Mihailidis, A. . (2007). The usability of water faucets for older adults with and without dementia: How important is familiarity?. Second International Conference on Technology and Aging. Presented at the. Toronto, ON: (ICTA). (Original work published 2007)
Mihailidis, A. ., Boger, J. ., Canido, M. ., & Hoey, J. . (2007). The use of an intelligent prompting system for people with dementia: A case study. AMC Interactions (Special Issue on Designing for Seniors: Innovations for Graying Times), 14. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1145/1273961.1273982 (Original work published 2007)
Boger, J. ., Hoey, J. ., Poupart, P. ., Boutilier, C. ., Fernie, G. ., & Mihailidis, A. . (2006). A Planning System Based on Markov Decision Processes to Guide People with Dementia Through Activities of Daily Living. IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine, 10. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1109/TITB.2006.864480 (Original work published 2006)
Boger, J. ., Poupart, P. ., Hoey, J. ., Boutilier, C. ., Fernie, G. ., & Mihailidis, A. . (2005). A decision-theoretic approach to task assistance for persons with dementia. Nineteenth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence. Presented at the. Edinburgh, Scotland: IJCAI. Retrieved from https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Craig_Boutilier/publication/50247149_A_Decision-Theoretic_Approach_to_Task_Assistance_for_Persons_with_Dementia/links/0fcfd508404626ce6a000000.pdf (Original work published 2005)
Mihailidis, A. ., Carmichael, B. ., & Boger, J. . (2004). The use of computer vision in an intelligent environment to support aging-in-place, safety, and independence in the home. IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine, 8. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1109/TITB.2004.834386 (Original work published 2004)
Mihailidis, A. ., Poupart, P. ., Mihailidis, A. ., & Fernie, G. . (2003). An intelligent environment to support aging-in-place, safety, and independence of older adults with dementia. UbiHealth 2003: The 2nd International Workshop on Ubiquitous Computing for Pervasive Healthcare Applications. Presented at the. Seattle, WA: UbiComp. Retrieved from https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Jennifer_Boger/publication/228359379_An_intelligent_environment_to_support_aging-in-place_safety_and_independence_of_older_adults_with_dementia/links/0912f506312794b3f6000000.pdf (Original work published 2003)
Boger, J. ., Poupart, P. ., Mihailidis, A. ., & Fernie, G. . (2003). Using a POMDP controller to guide persons with dementia through activities of daily living. Fifth International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing. Presented at the. Seattle, WA: UbiComp. Retrieved from https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Jennifer_Boger/publication/235917377_Using_a_POMDP_controller_to_guide_persons_with_dementia_through_activities_of_daily_living/links/02e7e5374c6cb6204a000000/Using-a-POMDP-controller-to-guide-persons-with-dementia-thr (Original work published 2003)
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