Corbin Weber

Corbin, an Environment and Business student, spent his 3A term studying at the University of Wollongong in Australia. Here's what he had to say about the experience. 

What type of traveller do you think you are?

A thrill seeker! When I travel, I’m all about living life to the fullest. Whether that means taking the road less travelled, or doing something CRAZY to get my daily dose of adrenaline. I’m always on the lookout for my next extreme adventure. 

Why did you choose your host school and country? 

Australia has always been on my list of countries to explore. From surfing all the hidden beaches along the coast, to road trippin’ through the outback, I felt it was the best option for me.

The University of Wollongong was my top choice for a number of reasons. Not only is it a fantastic school to attend for academic purposes, it’s also in a great location; Sydney is only an hour train ride away. It's also in close proximity to the beach, a couple of temples, and large hike-able mountains overlooking the city. 

What was an average day like in your program?

An average day usually started with a quick surf before breakfast, and then I was off to classes. As most of my courses were done before lunch, I was able to spend the afternoon back at the beach, exploring the city, or hanging out with friends back at my residence. 

What was one of your favourite experiences from your time abroad? 

Catching my first real wave - I’ll remember that feeling forever!

Has this exchange helped you personally, academically or professionally? 

This experience has helped me personally by truly allowing me to grasp the importance of saying "yes" to things and living the life you want to live. I never want to look back and regret not doing something!

If you could do it all over again, what would you do differently? 

Pack less!

Do you have any advice for Waterloo students thinking of studying abroad?

Commit NOW and get ready for one of the best years of your life! 

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