Social Insurance Number (SIN) clinics

Get guided support in receiving or renewing your social insurance number (SIN)

Service Canada is in the International Experience Centre (IEC) several times during each term to assist students with issuing and renewing SINs. 

Beginning at noon, the day prior to the appointment, you may book an appointment on Portal. If you are experiencing difficulties booking through Portal, drop by the IEC, or call us at 519-888-4567 ext. 84410. 

Once your appointment is booked, an email confirmation will be sent to your UWaterloo email address.

Dates for winter term:

  • SIN Clinics: January 27, February 11, and March 18 
  • Workshops: January 13, February 10, and March 17 

Clinics take place between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. Each appointment takes approximately 10 minutes. 

  • International Students: don't forget to bring your original passport, your original study permit and (if applicable) original work permit.
  • Canadian Citizens: must bring two pieces of valid Government-issued identification, one of which must have a photo. 

Learn more about applying for your SIN

The IEC offers free immigration consulting services for students!

Explore the IEC website to learn more about applying for a SIN. If you need more guidance, book an appointment with one of our immigration consultants.