Provincial Attestation Letter (PAL)

What is a PAL?

A Provincial Attestation Letter (PAL) is a letter issued by the province of Ontario and allows an international student to apply for a study permit at a specific Designated Learning Institution.  Most study permit applicants for the University of Waterloo will need to provide a PAL. 

Unless you meet one of the exceptions, you must submit a PAL with your University of Waterloo study permit application. 

Please note:

  • You must include the PAL with your study permit application: it can’t be provided to IRCC later on during processing. 
  • A PAL would be required even if you are applying for a prerequisite course or program (including language courses or programs)
  • If you are applying for multiple study permits together with your dependents on the same application, any study permit applicants attending a post-secondary DLI will need to include their own PAL.  

PAL Validity

  • For the 2025 study permit cap year, unless a PAL has an expiry date listed, it will be valid until December 31, 2025.  2025 PALs started being issued on January 22, 2025.  If you have a PAL that was issued for the 2024 study permit cap year, it can no longer be used in an application.
  • If your study permit application was not accepted for processing (IRCC withdrew the application and your application fees were refunded), then you can submit a new study permit with the same PAL (if it is still valid).
  • If your study permit application was accepted for processing but was later refused, then you must get a new PAL before reapplying.

PAL Exceptions

IRCC states that you are exempt from the PAL requirement if any of the following situations apply to you:

If you meet one of the exceptions and do not require a PAL, you will need to provide proof that you are exempt with your study permit application. 

Find out if you need a PAL

A questionnaire is available to determine your need for a PAL. You may access this questionnaire and follow the steps below.

Steps to access the questionnaire (note that it is not available on mobile):

  • Log in to Quest.
  • Accept your offer of admission.
  • Select the “Personal Information” tile.
  • Scroll down to “Provincial Attestation Letter” on the left navigation menu to access the PAL questionnaire.
  • Within the PAL questionnaire, select the term for which you require the PAL (the term you are admitted into).
  • Once you have selected your term, respond to the questions within the questionnaire.
  • Based on your responses, the questionnaire will indicate if you require a PAL.
  • Depending on what is indicated (yes or no), take action as indicated below.

PAL questionnaire responses

If the questionnaire says you do not require a PAL

If the questionnaire says you do require a PAL

  1. Pay your tuition deposit, if required
    • The tuition deposit requirements differ depending on your level and program of study.  For more information, please refer to the following pages:
    • Please note: returning students (students continuing studies in the same Waterloo program but applying for a study permit from outside of Canada) do not have to pay a deposit.
    • After reviewing the information above, if a tuition deposit is required, learn how to pay it here.
    • We highly recommend paying the tuition deposit using our approved international payment options via credit card as that is processed the most quickly and may appear in your Quest account sooner.
  2. Directly in Quest, submit your request for a PAL by clicking the “Submit” button at the bottom of the questionnaire.
  3. The University of Waterloo will request, on your behalf, a PAL from the Province of Ontario (Ministry of Colleges and Universities).
  4. Upon receipt of the PAL, the University will upload it to your Quest account.  Please check back within 2 to 4 business days (this process may take longer if a tuition deposit is required).
  5. Download your PAL from Quest, using the PAL download menu item (located on the left navigation menu).
  6. Apply for your study permit.  Review the study permit details on the University of Waterloo’s International Experience Centre website.

More information

The University of Waterloo maintains PAL FAQ pages for both Graduate and Undergraduate levels if you require further information.