Project Work Packages
Lake Futures comprises five interlinked Work Packages (WPs). Each of the five Work Packages has a Lead and a team of Co-investigators and collaborators.
- Work Package 1 addresses land-based pressures on lake ecosystems, including changing nutrient and dissolved organic matter (DOM) loadings caused by climate and land-use change. WP1 Lead: Nandita Basu
- Work Package 2 focuses on physical and biogeochemical responses of lakes to the land-based pressures of WP1 plus direct climate forcing. WP1 and WP2 are linked by modeling the processes and exchanges at the watershed-lake interface. WP2 Lead: Kevin Lamb
- Work Package 3 develops ecosystem health indicators and develops a biomonitoring framework that links water quality predictions in WP1 and WP2 to the integrity of the biotic system. WP3 Lead: Mark Servos
- Work Package 4 addresses socio-economic drivers and impacts on the GL ecosystem services, including agricultural land-use change, water intake, wastewater discharge, hydropower, tourism and recreation. WP4 Lead: Roy Brouwer
- Work Package 5 integrates the knowledge and tools of WPs 1 to 4 in support of decision support tools and socially acceptable, user-driven solutions. WP5 Lead: Philippe Van Cappellen