Scientists’ Warning to Humanity: Rapid degradation of the world’s large lakes

Monday, June 1, 2020
Lake Superior

Large lakes account for nearly 90% of the surface area and volume of the world’s lakes. They are critical sources of freshwater supply for present and future generations, and a key driver for economic development and social wellbeing.

Despite their importance, large lakes are degrading rapidly due to rising pressure from humans and climate change. They face a growing list of serious threats and need to be protected not only for our generation, but for generations to come.

An international group of aquatic researchers and scientists, including Lake Futures researchers Serghei Bocaniov, Zobia Jawed, and Gail Krantzberg, summarize these threats and call for increased conservation efforts and improved management for the world's large lakes. 

Large lakes face many threats, including increased nutrient loading, climate change, acidification, overfishing and loss of aquatic biodiversity, littoral shoreline modification, and the uncontrolled spread of invasive species. There is also the added complexity that these stressors can amplify each other, causing accelerated degradation of these lakes. Our understanding of these combined stressors often dictate whether large lake management is a success or failure. Finally, lake management must also consider emerging threats such as microplastics, micro- and nanopollutants, and their possible cumulative effects.

The team of researchers identify four priorities for future large lake policy efforts. These include mitigating multiple stressors, adapting to change, implementing conservation measures to protect and restore environmental values, and producing and disseminating knowledge. As large lakes face increasing threats from human activity and a changing climate, they will need more intense efforts to keep our waters safe and healthy.

Jean-Philippe, J., O. Anneville, F. Arnaud, Y. Baulaz, D. Bouffard, I. Domaizon, S.A. Bocaniov, N. Chèvre, M. Dittrich, J-M. Dorioz, E.S. Dunlop, G. Dur, J. Guillard, T. Guinaldo, S. Jacquet, A. Jamoneau, Z. Jawed, E. Jeppesen, G. Krantzberg, J. Lenters, B. Leoni, M. Meybeck, V. Nava, T. Nõges, P. Nõges, M. Patelli, V. Pebbles, M-E. Perga, S. Rasconi, C.R. Ruetz, L. Rudstam, N. Salmaso, S. Sapna, D. Straile, O. Tammeorg, M.R. Twiss, D.G. Uzarski, A-M. Ventelä, W.F. Vincent, S.W. Wilhelm, S-Å. Wängberg, G. A. Weyhenmeyer, 2020. Scientists’ Warning to Humanity: Rapid degradation of the world’s large lakes. Journal of Great Lakes Research.