LeanHE Festival-– Understanding the intersection between CI, CM, and PM – October 2020
University of Waterloo presented a session as part of the larger LeanHE community festival, the benefits of intersecting continuous improvement methodologies, change management, and project management best practices towards projects and initiatives.
Getting started in your CI journey – July 2020
First CI virtual session for UW campus community that focused on the principles and benefits of CI and tips on how to start your continuous improvement journey.
University of Strathclyde speaker presentation with John Hogg – March 2020
John Hogg, Director of CI at the University of Strathclyde and Chair of the LeanHE Europe Chapter, shared his CI journey and lessons learned at Strathclyde to our UW campus community. The CI committee held a seminar for external universities within Canada, where the day focused on the value of implementing a CI culture and was presented by John Hogg. Representatives from McMaster, Ryerson, Laurier, Carleton, and the University of Toronto were in attendance in addition to the University of Waterloo. Visit this event's news article for more details and photos!
Continuous Improvement Project Showcase - October 2019
Human Resources hosted the second CI projects showcase where staff and faculty had the opportunity to learn more about how different departments are using CI tools and methodologies to achieve the most efficient processes and outcomes within their operational work. The event followed a ‘science fair’ layout with booths representing departments/projects. Visit this event's news article for more details and photos!
Process Mapping: The Journey to Efficiency – March and June 2019
Employees were invited to learn more about process mapping across departments at Waterloo. The workshop highlighted continuous improvement (CI) tools such as Ishikawa diagrams, service blueprints, user stories, that were used by the Housing and Residence department, Library, and ST. Jeromes University. Visit this event's news article for more details and photos!
Personal Kanban: Mapping your work through Lean - October 2018
This interactive workshop was presented by St. Jeromes, in partnership with Human Resources at UW. Attendees learned how St. Jerome’s University has implemented Personal Kanban boards to launch a cross-organizational Lean strategy. Visit this event's news article for more details and photos!
Lean Process Improvement Workshop - June 2018
Human Resources offered a process improvement workshop for employees that focused on how to examine daily processes within the workplace and reveal opportunities for improvement. Attendees learned how to create a current state and desired future state process map, identify and eliminate inefficiencies in the process, and take action to close gaps between current and desired future state. Visit this event's news article for more details and photos!
Lean seminar - May 2018
The University of Waterloo hosted a Lean seminar that consisted of Lean project sharing and a workshop facilitated by Karyn Ross, co-author of The Toyota Way to Service Excellence: Lean Transformation in Service Organizations. Visit this event's news article for more details and photos!
Continuous Improvement Project Showcase - May 2018
Human Resources hosted the first CI projects showcase where staff and faculty had the opportunity to learn more about how different departments are using CI tools and methodologies to achieve the most efficient processes and outcomes within their operational work. The event followed a ‘science fair’ layout with booths representing departments/projects. Click here to see photos from the event. Visit this event's news article for more details and photos!