Exam information: CHEM 120

Two term tests, each 50 minutes in length, will be held during class hours (11:30am-12:20pm) at the dates indicated below.

Because of enrolment size, the term tests will be held at three locations. Students should report to the following locations according to the first letters of their last names:

Last Names   Exam Location
A- to O-  DC 1351
P- to V- RCH 211
W- to Z- RCH 204

The final exam will be 150 minutes in length and will be held on Sat, 23 Apr, 9:00-11:30am in PAC 1 and 2. Assigned seating will be used: consult the following website to determine where to sit the exam: odyssey.uwaterloo.ca/teaching/schedule; log on by entering your Quest username and password.

For additional information and a sample exam, go to the final exam link.

General Policies and Procedures


  • Do not enter exam room until directed; to ensure students get the maximum available time, we need to set up the room prior to the exam.
  • Use alternate seating during exams. Place any extraneous items (backpacks, bags, etc.) at the edges of the room.
  • The exams are multiple choice, and you must use HB pencil to answer the questions. There is no penalty for incorrect answers.
  • Students will not be allowed to leave the exam room during the last 10 minutes of the exam.
  • At the end of the exam period, remain seated until all tests are collected. Place the Scantron answer card on top of the exam booklet for collection.
  • Sample exams from previous years are provided below, and an example of a typical exam data sheet is included in the course syllabus.
  • Remember to bring HB pencils, appropriate calculator, and your student ID to the exams!
  • Remember to write your name, student ID number, and test version on the Scantron sheet; remember to write your name, student ID number, and signature on the exam booklet.