Edith Law
Edith Law
Edith Law is an Associate Professor at the David R. Cheriton School of Computer Science at University of Waterloo. Prior to join the University, she was a CRCS postdoctoral fellow at Harvard University School of Engineering and Applied Sciences. She graduated with a Ph.D. in Machine Learning from Carnegie Mellon University in 2012.
In the past year, Edith has taken on major leadership roles in organizing conference activities. She was the conference co-chair for HCOMP 2019, track chair for the Crowdsourcing and Human Computation Track at WebConf 2019 (i.e., formerly WWW 2019), Associate Chair and Accessibility co-Chair for CHI 2019, Panel co-chair for CSCW 2019, senior program committee member for AAAI 2019, Associate Chair for CSCW, CHI, IDC (ACM Interaction Design and Children (IDC) conference), etc.
Edith's research focuses on designing and developing technologies that leverage the AI-people partnership to tackle more complex problems in business, science, education and medicine. In particular, She is interested in two lines of research: first, how people can enhance (e.g., human-in-the-loop systems, crowdsourcing) and make sense of intelligent systems (e.g., issues related to transparency, engagement, trust and collaboration); and second, how intelligent systems can be designed to augment human abilities and virtues (e.g., curiosity, empathy, etc).