Meiyappan Nagappan
Meiyappan Nagappan
Mei Nagappan is currently an Assistant Professor in the David R. Cheriton School of Computer Science at the University of Waterloo. Previously he was an Assistant Professor at the Software Engineering department of Rochester Institute of Technology. Before that he was a Post Doctoral Fellow with Dr.Ahmed Hassan at Software Analysis and Intelligence Lab (SAIL) in the School of Computing at Queens University. He completed his Ph.D. under Dr. Mladen Vouk in the Computer Science Department of North Carolina State University. His research interests are in 'Big Data' Empirical Software Engineering by mining Ultra Large repositories of software to identify patterns and relationships in large ecosystems.
Professor Nagappan believes that as SE researchers we should look at deriving solutions that encompass the various stakeholders of software systems, and not only software developers. Hence, for the past 7 years he has been working on SE research that goes beyond just impacting S/W developers and testers. He has worked on using SE research to address the concerns of S/W operators, build engineers, and project managers, in addition to addressing the concerns of S/W developers, testers and SE researchers.