Michael Godfrey
Michael Godfrey
Professor Michael Godfrey was a faculty member at Cornell University between 1996 and 1998. He taught the software engineering course and some others and was the associate director of their M.Eng. program. He also did some work with the Predator / Jaguar object-relational database project, which led to a paper at SIGMOD-98.
Since returning to Canada in 1998, Professor Godfrey has been a co-PI in several NSERC-sponsored industrial research grants from Nortel Networks, Sun Microsystems, IBM, and CA. During the academic year 2003-04, Michael spent a sabbatical as Visiting Researcher at Sun Microsystems Labs in Mountain View, California, where he worked on the Jackpot static analysis tool with James Gosling, and also co-designed and co-implemented the SALSA analysis tool for J2EE systems with John Crupi.
During the academic year 2011-2012, Michael spent a sabbatical as Distinguished Scientist at CWI in the Netherlands, working with the RASCAL program transformation group led by Jurgen Vinju and Paul Klint.
Professor Godfrey's research interests span several areas of empirical software engineering including software evolution, mining software repositories and software analytics, code clone analysis, software architecture recovery and modeling, and reverse engineering.