Shane McIntosh
Shane McIntosh
Dr. Shane McIntosh joined the Cheriton School of Computer Science an Associate Professor in July 2020. His research area is in empirical software engineering. More specifically, he has focused his research on release engineering. He has made significant research contributions in intelligent release pipelines, code review analysis, and mining software repositories. As of October 2019, Dr. McIntosh has published 16 journal papers and 32 conference papers, all in the top research venues and leading journals of the field. His papers have been cited almost 2400 times with an h-index from Google Scholar of 28. He has been invited to many international workshops, such as Shonan and Dagstuhl.
Dr. McIntosh has also contributed to the software engineering community as a program committee member in several top conferences, such as ICSE, FSE, and OOPSLA. He has been the co-chair of multiple workshops on release engineering and the co-chair of several tracks in top tier conferences. He was just awarded a Canada Research Chair (Tier II) at McGill, and he was a Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarship holder. He was one of two Ph.D. graduates from the Queen’s University class of 2015 to be recognized with the Academic Gold Medal from Governor General of Canada for his Ph.D. work