CoSMH update - October 2019

Monday, October 28, 2019

The Committee on Student Mental Health (CoSMH) initiated discussion on three new recommendations:

  • #4: recourse mechanisms for students alleging staff or faculty have violated an approved accommodation request related to mental health
    • AccessAbility Services developed Accommodation Guidelines that have been approved by Executive Council, and are awaiting confirmation from the Secretariat’s Office. This document outlines university-wide guidelines on accommodations, including accommodation plans for students with suspected disabilities, and the only legal grounds instructors can have for denying accommodations.
    • Policy 33 – Ethical Behaviour addresses mechanisms for alleged violations of principles outlined in the Ontario Human Rights Code. This policy has been revised by a drafting committee, and will be finalized by winter 2020. 
  • #12: options for students experiencing challenges in interactions with supervisors and instructors
    • Jeff Casello, Associate Vice-President, Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs, shared information on the existing hierarchy of support for students having challenging interactions, as well as resources such as the Guide for Graduate Research and Supervision, Approved Doctoral Dissertation Supervision (ADDS) status, and data gathered through the Student Experience Review.  
    • WUSA’s Centre for Academic Policy Support provides student advocacy services, and is currently looking into the potential for an ombudsperson office.
  • #25: join Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction Postsecondary Education Partnership – Alcohol Harms
    • UWaterloo is in the process of joining this partnership, which requires Provost sign-off. Campus Wellness is currently developing a brief to present to Provost Jim Rush.
    • UWaterloo is part of a Post-Secondary Collaborative on Harm Reduction, which also includes membership from Wilfrid Laurier University and Conestoga College. This collaborative consults on marketing strategies and raising awareness with a focus on alcohol.
    • A campus group is drafting guidelines for cannabis use, including prevention, education, and options for treatment.